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How to resolve this discrepancy in Does the operation of Mat's Foxheadfoxhead medallion really protect against saidin?

Across all the books, it's clear that the foxhead medallion protects against saidar, but what about saidin? Consider:

In Winter's Heart,

Mat is protected against Aran'gar's channeling of saidin

and in A Memory of Light,

Gawyn, Galad, and Lan all wear the medallion to protect against Demandred's channeling.

However, in Fires of Heaven, we see that

Mat is killed by Rahvin's lightning: "Tendrils of smoke rose from the black haft of his spear, too, from his coat, even from the silver foxhead, hanging out of his shirt, that had not saved him from a man’s channeling."

Is there any indication on how this is resolved?

My best guess is that

the lightning isn't a weave of saidin, but called down by saidin (just as it won't protect against a rock thrown by Air)

but I'm not sure if there's evidence to support that.

How to resolve this discrepancy in the operation of Mat's Foxhead medallion?

Across all the books, it's clear that the foxhead medallion protects against saidar, but what about saidin? Consider:

In Winter's Heart,

Mat is protected against Aran'gar's channeling of saidin

and in A Memory of Light,

Gawyn, Galad, and Lan all wear the medallion to protect against Demandred's channeling.

However, in Fires of Heaven, we see that

Mat is killed by Rahvin's lightning.

Is there any indication on how this is resolved?

My best guess is that

the lightning isn't a weave of saidin, but called down by saidin (just as it won't protect against a rock thrown by Air)

but I'm not sure if there's evidence to support that.

Does the foxhead medallion really protect against saidin?

Across all the books, it's clear that the foxhead medallion protects against saidar, but what about saidin? Consider:

In Winter's Heart,

Mat is protected against Aran'gar's channeling of saidin

and in A Memory of Light,

Gawyn, Galad, and Lan all wear the medallion to protect against Demandred's channeling.

However, in Fires of Heaven, we see that

Mat is killed by Rahvin's lightning: "Tendrils of smoke rose from the black haft of his spear, too, from his coat, even from the silver foxhead, hanging out of his shirt, that had not saved him from a man’s channeling."

Is there any indication on how this is resolved?

My best guess is that

the lightning isn't a weave of saidin, but called down by saidin (just as it won't protect against a rock thrown by Air)

but I'm not sure if there's evidence to support that.

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How to resolve this discrepancy in the operation of Mat's Foxhead medallion?

Across all the books, it's clear that the foxhead medallion protects against saidar, but what about saidin? Consider:

In Winter's Heart,

Mat is protected against Aran'gar's channeling of saidin

and in A Memory of Light,

Gawyn, Galad, and Lan all wear the medallion to protect against Demandred's channeling.

However, in Fires of Heaven, we see that

Mat is killed by Rahvin's lightning.

Is there any indication on how this is resolved?

My best guess is that

the lightning isn't a weave of saidin, but called down by saidin (just as it won't protect against a rock thrown by Air)

but I'm not sure if there's evidence to support that.