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They weren't catapults per se, they were trebuchets. Whereas catapults like the ones the Uruk-Hai employed are powered by various sorts of tension, trebuchets use a very heavy counterweight to throw their load.

Here's a picture showing one in action:

Trebuchet in action

They weren't catapults per se, they were trebuchets. Whereas catapults like the ones the Uruk-Hai employed are powered by various sorts of tension, trebuchets use a very heavy counterweight to throw their load.

Here's a picture showing one in action:

Trebuchet in action

They weren't catapults per se, they were trebuchets. Whereas catapults like the ones the Uruk-Hai employed are powered by various sorts of tension, trebuchets use a very heavy counterweight to throw their load.

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They weren't catapults per se, they were trebuchets. Whereas catapults like the ones the Uruk-Hai employed are powered by various sorts of tension, trebuchets use a very heavy counterweight to throw their load.

Here's a picture showing one in action:

Trebuchet in action