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added a few things
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Many great answers have been given on this page. One invention seems to be missing, so here goesHere is my contribution at two days from October 2015. The pyrolysis that the Mr. Fusion seems to do is demonstrated in this video.

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The demise of Laserdiscs:

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Drones could, technically, walk your dog:

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Many great answers have been given on this page. One invention seems to be missing, so here goes my contribution at two days from October 2015. The pyrolysis that the Mr. Fusion seems to do is demonstrated in this video.

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Many great answers have been given on this page. Here is my contribution at two days from October 2015. The pyrolysis that the Mr. Fusion seems to do is demonstrated in this video.

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The demise of Laserdiscs:

enter image description here

Drones could, technically, walk your dog:

enter image description here

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Many great answers have been given on this page. One invention seems to be missing, so here goes my contribution at two days from October 2015. The pyrolysis that the Mr. Fusion seems to do is demonstrated in this video.

enter image description here

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