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"Slytherincess" is, unsurprisingly, a combo of "Slytherin" and "Princess".

I've had this online handle since 2002.

I first read Harry Potter fan fiction at a site called The Sugar Quill, and I participated in their forums. I basically liked their site, but it was very restrictive -- for example, the site would only archive fan fic with what they considered to be canon pairings -- Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and Sirius/Remus (whom the site administrators considered a canon pairing). If you questioned their restrictions, even in light conversations on their forums, your post would disappear -- that kind of BS.

Oh, and, uh ... Slytherins were definitely not welcome there, and I had felt an affinity toward Slytherin since the first time I read the first book. Why? That's a whole 'nother story!

So, yeah, things at the Sugar Quill were all around problematic. I knew I was going to have to leave the site. I hadn't yet registered at the Quill; I decided I would. I tried out a variety of Slytherin-themed names, but Slytherincess is the one that stuck. I left The Sugar Quill, but not before leaving silly, but harmless, messages in a few of the forums I had frequented, so I could splash my new moniker, because someone had to say it: SLYTHERIN WAS HERE! ;)

Because I got into Harry Potter fandom quite early on, I was able to scoop up my username in a variety of apps, most of which are obsolete now: Gmail (I still use my Gmail account); Yahoo; Livejournal; FictionAlley, AO3; conHarry Potter conference sign-ups; Twitter; Facebook; Pinterest; Flickr; and, yes, Stack Exchange! :)

Here's mythe screen-saver for my iPhone (My iPhone is named "Malfoy", for anyone interested):

enter image description here

"Slytherincess" is, unsurprisingly, a combo of "Slytherin" and "Princess".

I've had this online handle since 2002.

I first read Harry Potter fan fiction at a site called The Sugar Quill, and I participated in their forums. I basically liked their site, but it was very restrictive -- for example, the site would only archive fan fic with what they considered to be canon pairings -- Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and Sirius/Remus (whom the site administrators considered a canon pairing). If you questioned their restrictions, even in light conversations on their forums, your post would disappear -- that kind of BS.

Oh, and, uh ... Slytherins were definitely not welcome there, and I had felt an affinity toward Slytherin since the first time I read the first book. Why? That's a whole 'nother story!

So, yeah, things at the Sugar Quill were all around problematic. I knew I was going to have to leave the site. I hadn't yet registered at the Quill; I decided I would. I tried out a variety of Slytherin-themed names, but Slytherincess is the one that stuck. I left The Sugar Quill, but not before leaving silly, but harmless, messages in a few of the forums I had frequented, so I could splash my new moniker, because someone had to say it: SLYTHERIN WAS HERE! ;)

Because I got into Harry Potter fandom quite early on, I was able to scoop up my username in a variety of apps, most of which are obsolete now: Gmail (I still use my Gmail account); Yahoo; Livejournal; FictionAlley, AO3; con sign-ups; and, yes, Stack Exchange! :)

Here's my screen-saver for my iPhone:

enter image description here

"Slytherincess" is, unsurprisingly, a combo of "Slytherin" and "Princess".

I've had this online handle since 2002.

I first read Harry Potter fan fiction at a site called The Sugar Quill, and I participated in their forums. I basically liked their site, but it was very restrictive -- for example, the site would only archive fan fic with what they considered to be canon pairings -- Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and Sirius/Remus (whom the site administrators considered a canon pairing). If you questioned their restrictions, even in light conversations on their forums, your post would disappear -- that kind of BS.

Oh, and, uh ... Slytherins were definitely not welcome there, and I had felt an affinity toward Slytherin since the first time I read the first book. Why? That's a whole 'nother story!

So, yeah, things at the Sugar Quill were all around problematic. I knew I was going to have to leave the site. I hadn't yet registered at the Quill; I decided I would. I tried out a variety of Slytherin-themed names, but Slytherincess is the one that stuck. I left The Sugar Quill, but not before leaving silly, but harmless, messages in a few of the forums I had frequented, so I could splash my new moniker, because someone had to say it: SLYTHERIN WAS HERE! ;)

Because I got into Harry Potter fandom quite early on, I was able to scoop up my username in a variety of apps, most of which are obsolete now: Gmail (I still use my Gmail account); Yahoo; Livejournal; FictionAlley, AO3; Harry Potter conference sign-ups; Twitter; Facebook; Pinterest; Flickr; and, yes, Stack Exchange! :)

Here's the screen-saver for my iPhone (My iPhone is named "Malfoy", for anyone interested):

enter image description here

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"Slytherincess" is, unsurprisingly, a combo of "Slytherin" and "Princess".

I've had this online handle since 2002.

I first read Harry Potter fan fiction at a site called The Sugar Quill, and I participated in their forums. I basically liked their site, but it was very restrictive -- for example, the site would only archive fan fic with what they considered to be canon pairings -- Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and Sirius/Remus (whom the site administrators considered a canon pairing). If you questioned their restrictions, even in light conversations on their forums, your post would disappear -- that kind of BS.

Oh, and, uh ... Slytherins were definitely not welcome there, and I had felt an affinity toward Slytherin since the first time I read the first book. Why? That's a whole 'nother story!

So, yeah, things at the Sugar Quill were all around problematic. I knew I was going to have to leave the site. I hadn't yet registered at the Quill; I decided I would. I tried out a variety of Slytherin-themed names, but Slytherincess is the one that stuck. I left The Sugar Quill, but not before leaving silly, but harmless, messages in a few of the forums I had frequented, so I could splash my new moniker, because someone had to say it: SLYTHERIN WAS HERE! ;)

Because I got into Harry Potter fandom quite early on, I was able to scoop up my username in a variety of apps, most of which are obsolete now: Gmail (I still use my Gmail account); Yahoo; Livejournal; FictionAlley, AO3; con sign-ups; and, yes, Stack Exchange! :)

Here's my screen-saver for my iPhone:

enter image description here