
Santa Fe LEAP

The City of Santa Fe Learn, Earn, Achieve Program (SF LEAP) is a part of the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI) Project. It was designed to explore the effect of a guaranteed income on our community by assisting young parents enrolled at SFCC. The City of Santa Fe will offer an additional year of funding for the 2024-2025 school year using ARPA funds.

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Guaranteed Income

Mayor Michael D. Tubbs from Stockton, CA and the Economic Security Project founded Mayors for a Guaranteed Income in June 2020. Mayors, including Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber, came together in this network to implement guaranteed income projects across the country that lift all of our communities, building a resilient, just America. A guaranteed income is a monthly, cash payment given directly to individuals. It is unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements. A guaranteed income is meant to supplement, rather than replace, the existing social safety net and can be a tool for racial and gender equity. Learn more here . Each project across the country looks a little different in response to the local needs. In 2021 Santa Fe received a grant for $500,000 from MGI to help young student parents enrolled at SFCC attain their educational goals. A third round of funding will be available for the 2024-2025 school year. Learn more below.

Get more details about SF LEAP

Para solicitantes de estudiantes de SFCC

Las solicitudes se abrirán pronto para el año escolar 2024/2025

Paso 1: Proceso de solicitud previa

Para calificar para la lotería, los solicitantes deben cumplir con todos los siguientes requisitos:

  • Mayores de 18 años
  • Un cuidador principal de un niño menor de 18 años
  • Inscrito en un programa de certificado, GED, o grado en SFCC y planea asistir a clases en el otoño de 2024
  • Vivir en la Ciudad de Santa Fe
  • Ganar menos del 65% del ingreso medio promedio de Santa Fe (alrededor de $47,000 para una familia de dos o $59,000 para una familia de cuatro)
  • Afectados por la pandemia de COVID a través de la pérdida de ingresos, pérdida de trabajo o costos de estar enfermo con COVID

Revise todos los materiales en la pestaña Application, cuando se abran las solicitudes en septiembre. Esta página estará protegida con contraseña. Los estudiantes de SFCC recibirán esta contraseña para aplicar. Si es estudiante y no ha recibido la contraseña, envíe un correo electrónico a info@santafeleap.org para obtener ayuda.

Use la calculadora del panel de ingresos garantizados para ver si sus beneficios públicos se verían afectados.

Recopilar la documentación necesaria para el proceso de solicitud.

Paso 2: Aplicar

La aplicación UpTogether se abrirá este agosto y estará abierta durante tres semanas. Los estudiantes de SFCC serán notificados por el Community College.

Para presentar una solicitud, deberá proporcionar prueba de residencia y prueba de ingresos.

Paso 3: Selección y Registro

UpTogether, nuestro socio de implementación, seleccionará al azar 36 solicitantes elegibles del grupo de solicitantes.

Los solicitantes seleccionados serán informados de que fueron elegidos y completarán su proceso de registro con UpTogether.

La financiación comenzará una vez que todos los participantes hayan completado su proceso de registro. Esto será varias semanas después de que los estudiantes sean informados de su aceptación.

Aquellos que no son seleccionados aún son elegibles para otras formas de ayuda.

Aprende más aquí:

For SFCC Student Applicants

Applications will open for the 2024/2025 School Year soon

Step 1: Pre-Application Process

To qualify for the lottery, applicants must meet all of the following qualifications:

  • Over the age of 18
  • A primary caregiver of a child under 18
  • Enrolled in a certificate, GED, or degree program at SFCC and planning on attending classes in the Fall of 2024
  • Live in the City of Santa Fe
  • Make less than 65% of the Santa Fe Average Median Income (about $47,000 for a family of two or $59,000 for a family of four)
  • Impacted by the COVID pandemic through loss of income, job loss, or costs of being sick with COVID

Review all materials on the Application tab, when applications open in September. This page will be password protected. SFCC students will receive this password to apply. If you are a student and have not receive the password, email info@santafeleap.org from your SFCC account for assistance.

Use the guaranteed income dashboard calculator to see if your public benefits would be impacted.

Collect paperwork required for the application process.

Step 2: Application

The UpTogether application will open this August and will be open for three weeks. SFCC students will be notified by the Community College.

To apply you will need to provide proof of residency and proof of income.

Step 3: Selection and Registration

36 eligible applicants will be randomly selected from the applicant pool by UpTogether, our implementation partner.

Selected applicants will be informed that they were chosen and will complete their registration process with UpTogether.

Funding will start after all participants have completed their registration process. This will be several weeks after students are informed of their acceptance.

Those who are not selected are still eligible for other forms of aid. Learn more here:

Hear from previous Santa Fe LEAP Participants