Community Voices is the reader-driven forum of Sahan Journal. We seek pieces in a variety of formats from first-person essays to traditional opinion pieces to video essays on topics that are important to the lives and experiences of Minnesota’s communities of color.

Want to submit your work?

How to submit

Community Voices submissions can be sent to News Editor Trisha Collopy at Please write “Community Voices” in the subject line.

Community Voices guidelines
  • Community Voices are opinion pieces and first-person essays written and submitted by readers.
  • We only review submissions that haven’t appeared elsewhere and that are not simultaneously submitted to other media outlets.
  • We’re looking for pieces that generally run 800 to 1,200 words. While there is some room for flexibility, extremely short or long pieces will likely not be considered without prior consultation with Sahan Journal editors.
  • Pieces that cite statistics, data, obscure information, or events that were not widely covered in the news should provide links in the story to sources that verify that information.
  • The public can submit completed pieces for consideration, with no guarantee that they will be published, or they can first pitch an idea to Sahan News Editor Trisha Collopy prior to writing the piece.
  • Topics should be important to the lives and experiences of communities of color.
  • Finally, if Sahan agrees to run a story, we ask for a short two-sentence bio for the author credit, and a photo we can run with it.

Recent stories