Membership Services

Problems logging in or not logged on before? Please follow the 'Forgot your password' link below to either set or reset your password.

Forgot your password?

Why can’t I log in to Membership Services?


Wrong call sign

The call sign linked with your login details will be the one you registered with the Society. If you have changed your call sign since joining the Society, but not updated your records, try a previous call sign as your login (it can be amended after successfully logging in).

If you did not have a call sign when you joined the RSGB, you will have been given an RS number to use in place of a call sign. The RS number is your membership number prefixed with the letters RS e.g. RS123456

If you have tried all your call signs and, if appropriate, your initial RS Number but are still unable to login, please call the Membership Department on +44 (0) 1234 832 700 (choose options 1 or 2)

Wrong password or email address

Passwords that were used prior to July 2022 no longer work and the Portal only works with the email address that we currently have linked to your membership.

Your password - it must be a minimum of seven characters with at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one of these special characters ?!$%^&*-

At the bottom of the Membership Services login box there is a ‘Forgot your password’ option. Please choose this and follow the process to reset your password (sent by email).

If your attempt to set or reset your password fails please do not continue to try to input the same password - try something different.

Never logged on before

If you have not logged into the portal since the 1st July 2022 you will need to have registered for our current system before you can use it.  If you have never registered with us but do have your callsign and email address on your membership record, simply press the 'Forgot Password' and this will enable you to register and set up a password (sent by email).  Alternatively, you can register to use the portal by contacting RSGB membership at or call +44 (0) 1234 832700 (choose options 1 or 2) during office hours.

Overdue or expired Membership

If your RSGB Membership subscription is overdue or has expired, you will not be able to log into the website. To renew your membership, go to or, if you prefer, call the Membership Department on +44 (0) 1234 832 700 (choose options 1 or 2)

Locked out

If you have registered to the portal, you do not need to 'reset your password' more than once.  If you choose this option multiple times the system will 'lock' your record and it cannot be 'unlocked' other than by contacting RSGB Membership at or call +44 (0) 1234 832700 (choose options 1 or 2) during office hours.


Anything Else

For further assistance please email us at or call +44 (0) 1234 832700 (choose options 1 or 2) during office hours.