Hyatt Regency Belgrade

Hyatt Regency Belgrade


Belgrade, Serbia 3,240 followers

Premium Belgrade Hotel for Leisure and Business Travelers

About us

Immerse yourself in the timeless elegance of Hyatt Regency Belgrade, where refined luxury meets the beating heart of Serbia's capital. Tucked within the vibrant city, this opulent hotel seamlessly weaves together contemporary sophistication with a respectful nod to Belgrade's storied past. Hyatt Regency Belgrade caters to both business and leisure travelers, offering: • 282 meticulously appointed guest rooms and suites, many of which boast sweeping vistas of the city or the picturesque confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. • An expansive 1500 squared meters of versatile event space, featuring exquisite ballrooms and adaptable meeting rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology, accommodating gatherings of all scales. • 10 well-equipped event venues, ready to host a diverse array of celebrations, conventions, and meetings. • A dedicated team of event specialists poised to craft tailor-made experiences that align seamlessly with your preferences. • Metropolitan restaurant, proudly featured in the Michelin Guide for 2023, an epicurean haven inspired by international and Serbian cuisines, serving delectable breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a chic and inviting setting. • Tea House, a distinctive and stylish haven for coffee and tea, tantalizing taste buds with freshly baked signature delights like the Cheesecake and Trio Colore. • Club Olympus Fitness Centre & Spa, a sanctuary for rejuvenation, offering an array of wellness and fitness facilities to invigorate your senses. Your stay at Hyatt Regency Belgrade promises a harmonious blend of luxury, convenience, and memorable experiences that will leave an indelible mark on your stay in the heart of Serbia's capital.

Company size
51-200 employees
Belgrade, Serbia


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    Svakog meseca slavimo uspehe i entuzijazam naših zaposlenih, trudeći se da ih na pravi način nagradimo. Kolega meseca juna, Mile Milnović iz odeljenja održavanja, pored svakodnevnog zalaganja tokom obavljanja svojih zaduženja, nesebično deli svoje znanje i uvek je nasmejan. Izuzetno je cenjen u svim odeljenjima i osoba na koju se možete osloniti. Menadžer drugog kvartala, Maja Dulovic iz odeljenja prodaje i makretinga, svojom pozitivnom energijom i vedrim duhom svakodnevno pokreće svoje kolege i podstiče ih da svoja zaduženja obavljaju uz veliki osmeh na licu. Maja je ne samo veliki profesionalac, već i osoba sa mnogo empatije koji u potpunosti živi vrednosti Hyatt korporacije, poput poštovanja i opšte dobrobiti zajednice. Ovim putem čestitamo Maji i Miletu – vaš trud i zalaganje su i te kako primećeni. Every month, we celebrate the successes and enthusiasm of our employees, striving to reward them in the right way. The Employee of the Month for June, Mile Milnović from the engineering department, not only shows dedication in performing his duties daily but also selflessly shares his knowledge and always has a smile on his face. He is highly valued in all departments and is someone you can rely on. The Manager of the second quarter, Maja Dulović, with her infectious positive energy and cheerful spirit, motivates her colleagues daily and encourages them to carry out their tasks with a big smile on their faces. Maja is not only a great professional but also a great empath who fully embodies the values of the Hyatt Corporation, such as respect and the overall well-being of the community. We congratulate Maja and Mile – your effort and dedication are recognized. #worldofhyatt #hyattregency

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    Održivost je srž našeg poslovanja, što se ogleda u različitim inicijativama poput smanjenja potrošnje električne energije i vode, kao i nabavke hrane od pouzdanih dobavljača. Od kada smo uveli i mašinu za sušenje voća i povrća, u potpunosti koristimo namirnice i na taj način smanjujemo otpad. Optimizacijom internih procesa želimo da pozitivno utičemo na naše okruženje i motivišemo druge da nam se pridruže u ovim inicijativama. Sustainability is at the core of our business, reflected in various initiatives such as reducing electricity and water consumption and sourcing food from reliable suppliers. Recently, we introduced a machine for drying fruits and vegetables, allowing us to fully utilize ingredients and reduce waste. By optimizing internal processes, we aim to positively impact our environment and inspire others to join us in these initiatives. #sustainability #worldofhyatt #hyattregency

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    Upoznajte Aleksandra Zečevića, menadžera obezbeđenja u našem hotelu. Aleksandar se brine da sigurnost bude na najvišem nivou, pružajući našim gostima mir i bezbrižnost tokom celog boravka. Bezbednost je jedan od ključnih aspekata koje garantujemo svakom gostu prilikom dolaska u hotel. Kroz strogo utvrđene procedure i pažljivo osmišljene rutine, naš tim obezbeđenja radi neprekidno kako bi osigurao da svi gosti uživaju u bezbednom okruženju. Meet Aleksandar Zečević, the Security Manager at our hotel. Aleksandar ensures that security is maintained at the highest level, providing our guests with peace and tranquility throughout their stay. Security is one of the key aspects we guarantee to every guest upon arrival at the hotel. Through strictly established procedures and carefully designed routines, our security team works around the clock to ensure that all guests enjoy a peaceful and safe environment. #safety #hyattregency #worldofhyatt

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    At Hyatt Regency Belgrade, we integrate sustainability principles into our business strategy by prioritizing energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, and sustainable sourcing practices. By embedding these sustainability initiatives into our operations, we actively support local communities and work to reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation. These efforts highlight our unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility and long-term sustainability. Read more about our sustainability practices on page 43, as well as the project (Un)ready for the Green Future organized by the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Serbien). U našem hotelu se trudimo da integrišemo principe održivosti u poslovnu strategiju tako što dajemo prioritet energetskoj efikasnosti, smanjenju otpada, očuvanju vode i održivim praksama nabavke. Uključivanjem ovih inicijativa održivosti u naše poslovanje, aktivno podržavamo lokalnu zajednicu i radimo na smanjenju karbonskog otiska vezanog za transport. Ovi napori naglašavaju našu posvećenost ekološkoj odgovornosti i dugoročnoj održivosti. Pročitajte više o našim praksama održivosti na strani 43, kao i o projektu (Un)ready for the Green Future, koji organizuje nemačko-srpska privredna komora (AHK Srbija). #environment #green #hyattregency #worldofhyatt

    Un(ready) for the Green Future

    Un(ready) for the Green Future

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    "Konkurencija je ključna za unapređenje kvaliteta usluge i inovacija u bilo kojoj industriji, uključujući turizam. Ona podstiče sve učesnike na tržištu da neprestano poboljšavaju svoju ponudu, pružajući bolju vrednost za goste i osiguravajući visoke standarde" rekao je naš generalni direktor, Zafiris Lampadaridis, u intervjuu za HORES - Business Association of Hotel and Restaurant industry - Serbia. Pročitajte više na linku ispod. "Competition is crucial for improving service quality and innovation in any industry, including tourism. It encourages all market participants to continuously enhance their offerings, providing better value for guests and ensuring high standards," said our General Manager Zafiris Lampadaridis in an interview for Hores. Read more on the link below.

    Intervju: Zafiris Lampadaridis, generalni direktor hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd

    Intervju: Zafiris Lampadaridis, generalni direktor hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd

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    We are wrapping up the HY5 week at our hotel with much enthusiasm from our Sales & Marketing team. We hope that our colleagues from the EAME region had an equally successful HY5 week as we did! Dok privodimo HY5 nedelju kraju u našem hotelu, sa velikim zadovoljstvom delimo atmosferu iz tima prodaje i marketinga. Nadamo se da je i drugim kolegama iz EAME regiona, HY5 nedelja prošla jednako uspešno kao i naša! #hyattregency #worldofhyat #HY5 #team

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    Prošle nedelje smo se oprostili od naših kolega Zorice Milekić i Živana Jazića i ispratili ih u penziju. Kolege iz odeljenja održavanja i domaćinstva su se pozdravile sa svojim kolegama, koji su zajedno u hotelu proveli više od čak 65 godina. Zahvaljujemo se Zorici i Živanu na godinama vrednog rada i truda u hotelu. Mnogo će nam nedostajati njihova pozitivna energija ali verujemo da će nas i dalje s radošću posećivati. Last week, we bid farewell to our colleagues Zorica Milekić and Živan Jazić as they retired. The Engineering and Housekeeping departments said goodbye to their colleagues who collectively spent over 65 years at the hotel. We thank Zorica and Živan for their years of dedicated work and effort. We will miss their positive energy greatly, but we believe they will still happily visit us. #colleagues #worldofhyatt #hyattregency

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    Koleginica Ivana Zlatkovic, supervizor recepcije, proglašena je za koleginicu meseca maja. Njena samoinicijativnost, odgovornost i timski rad čine je koleginicom za primer. Saradnja sa Ivanom je istinsko zadovoljstvo, a njeno prisustvo čini naš tim boljim. Our colleague Ivana Zlatković, Front Desk team leader, has been recognized as our employee of the month for May. Her initiative, responsibility, and teamwork skills truly set her apart. Working with Ivana is a true pleasure, and her presence greatly enhances our team. #employeeofthemonth #hyattregency #worldofhyatt

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    Milan, Dragica i Svetlana od nedavno imaju tu čast da budu deo Chefs For Life udruženja. Nakon održane humanitarne večere u organizaciji Ljubice Komlenić u našem hotelu tokom marta kao i učestvovanju na humanitarnoj večeri u Padovi tokom aprila, naši kuvari dobili su priliku da se pridruže timu izvanrednih kuvara iz celog sveta i sarađuju sa njima na projektu. Ponosni smo na postignuća naših kuvara i radujemo se novim iskustvima koja predstoje. Milan, Dragica, and Svetlana have recently had the honor of joining the Chefs for Life association. Following a charity dinner organized by Ljubica Komlenic at our hotel in March, as well as their participation in a charity dinner in Padua in April, our chefs had the opportunity to join a team of exceptional chefs from around the world and collaborate with them on this project. We are proud of our chefs' achievements and look forward to the new experiences ahead. #chefsforlife #team #charity #hyattregency #worldofhyatt

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    Tokom vikenda smo učestvovali na humanitarnom teniskom turniru – FEFA Open. Bila nam je čast da kao zlatni sponzor podržimo projekat studenata, kao i UNICEF-ov program inkluzivnog obrazovanja „Učimo svi zajedno“. Zafiris Lampadaridis i Ana Dangubić takmičili su se u singlu i dublu i proveli vikend u sjajnoj atmosferi i sportskom duhu.   Over the weekend, we participated in the charity tennis tournament – FEFA Open. It was an honor for us to support the students' project as a gold sponsor, as well as the inclusive education program "Learning together" of UNICEF. Zafiris Lampadaridis and Ana Dangubic competed in both singles and doubles, spending the weekend in a great atmosphere and with a strong sports spirit. FEFA Faculty UNICEF Serbia #tournament #charity #worldofhyatt #hyattregency #unicef

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