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Dale M
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
186 votes

My players are thinking of abandoning my NPC. What should I do?

136 votes

How can I engage players with melee monsters when players keep their distance?

135 votes

Is starting a group with 5 newbies (DM included) possible?

132 votes

My PCs have a plan that will get them all killed; how and why should I save them?

130 votes

How do I rein in a player who talks over my descriptions?

128 votes

A player was bucking my style and I lost my temper. What can I do from here?

125 votes

Should I take a side in an external player conflict, or let my game die?

109 votes

Can clerics use swords?

105 votes

How to deal with a player who is a bad sport?

103 votes

I rolled a 20 on a stealth check. What now?

102 votes

How to handle loot disputes as the DM?

89 votes

What should be done if I suspect a player is using weighted dice?

88 votes

How to roleplay my character's ethics according to the DM when I don't understand those ethics?

86 votes

What are the rules for PC-PC seduction attempts?

85 votes

Is a character with the Polearm Master and Sentinel feats unbeatable in a duel?

84 votes

What happens if a character snorts Dust of Disappearance?

84 votes

What is the precedent for what happens to a warlock's character levels if their patron dies?

82 votes

How to deal with a really persuasive character?

82 votes

One player has made combat trivial for self

80 votes

Who can use magic scrolls?

79 votes

How do I deal with players who make friends with goblins?

76 votes

Player Characters all picking on one other PC

75 votes

Does Heavy Armor reduce your speed?

72 votes

How can I prevent the rogue from placing items in my character's backpack?

70 votes

Can a character survive a fall from 2 miles up?

68 votes

How can I suggest the DM stop trying to kill us?

66 votes

Can creatures without hands (and as a consequence fingers) use rings?

66 votes

Realistically, does Leomund’s Tiny Hut allow for indefinite long rests in a dungeon?

66 votes

Can a caster cast a sleep spell on themselves?

66 votes

Can you train/call a Blink Dog? If so, how?

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