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Valley Lad's user avatar
Valley Lad
  • Member for 5 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Silicon Valley, CA, USA
101 votes

Why do most people consider a "00" and a "0" on a percentile roll a 100?

58 votes

Interaction between an Intellect Devourer and a Simulacrum

44 votes

Why do most dwarven city names in the Forgotten Realms have a suffix of -bar?

39 votes

How to GM as a Solar NPC who has high Intelligence and Wisdom scores?

35 votes

If a Barbarian/Sorcerer multiclass casts False Life on himself, then rages, will the spell's effect remain active?

21 votes

How should I handle a paladin player character killing foes after they surrender?

18 votes

Does Chill Touch Prevent Druid's Wild Shape from Recovering Hit Points?

17 votes

What abilities allow me to reroll or replace die rolls?

16 votes

Do I add my Strength modifier to the damage of unarmed strikes if I have the Tavern Brawler feat?

16 votes

How many party members can a Giant Eagle carry?

15 votes

Does the Mind Blade count as a magic weapon in the hands of someone other than its intended wielder?

15 votes

What skill proficiencies can a Variant Human choose from at character creation?

14 votes

Is there any 5e spell that I can use to transform into a bulette? (For any pc class)

14 votes

What would the 5e phrasing be for combining multiple attacks into a single attack?

14 votes

Etymology of 'crawl' in 'dungeon crawl'

13 votes

What is the definition of an "item" in 5e?

11 votes

Is there a "Shadowdark" or similar in the Shadowfell like how there's a Feydark in the Feywild?

11 votes

Is there any reason not to use a Pearl of Power as soon as possible?

11 votes

How big is the area of the web spell created by a Cloak of Arachnida?

10 votes

Can a spell cast inside a globe of invulnerability be counterspelled?

10 votes

Do Area of Effect spells reveal hidden or invisible enemies?

10 votes

Do multiple attacks from a multiattack action have to happen in order?

9 votes

Is there a way to stun a creature without using a Save DC?

9 votes

Can you force out a soul that is occupying a Ring of Mind Shielding?

9 votes

Could a regenerating troll feed enough stirges to live off them?

9 votes

Can I use the Contact Other Plane spell to get a demon's true name?

8 votes

How do use-limited spell enhancements interact with spells learned normally?

8 votes

How can I avoid "railroading" my players by giving them a limited set of choices with only basic descriptions?

8 votes

Can Lay on Hands be used to both heal hit points and remove diseases/poisons with the same action?

6 votes

Why does Slow not impose an attack penalty?