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  • Member for 6 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

Can I use a bonus action to ready an action?

4 votes

How can I write up interesting filler for my campaign?

4 votes

When the Horn of Blasting explodes, do I still get the normal attack?

4 votes

Are Vengeful Ancestors' damage-dealing reactions enough to sustain the Barbarian's rage?

4 votes

How can I handle a car chase sequence in modern 5E?

4 votes

Does Green Flame Blade and Sweeping Attack combo cause the bonus effect of GFB to hit again?

4 votes

Does the Fear spell work with an Oath of Conquest paladin's Aura of Conquest?

4 votes

What books are needed to play D&D?

4 votes

What happens if a creature draws a Frost Brand sword when breathed upon by a fire-breathing dragon?

4 votes

War Caster Feat: Opportunity Attack Casting following a Bonus Action spell

4 votes

RAW, can Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion create components for activities/spells?

4 votes

Will allowing a wizard to cast spell without preparation be unbalanced?

3 votes

Can a Martial Adept Superiority die be used on a melee/ranged spell attack?

3 votes

Does using a tree trunk for Cover work no matter what direction of the attack on Battle Maps?

3 votes

If a mounted warlock uses the One with Shadows eldritch invocation to turn invisible, and their mount moves, do they become visible?

3 votes

Is a mounted creature unaffected by the secondary damage of the Booming Blade cantrip?

3 votes

What happens to the secret message at the end of the duration of the Illusory Script spell?

3 votes

Can you apply multiple on-hit effects and if you can, who decides the order they're applied in?

3 votes

What are the practical Opportunity Attack values for a bugbear, holding a reach weapon, with the Polearm Master feat?

2 votes

Can I make a line melee attack using melee multitargeting rule?

2 votes

How does the aura boon work with instantaneous duration boons?

2 votes

Can you cast a spell on someone in the Ethereal Plane, if you are on the Material Plane and have the True Seeing spell active?

2 votes

How to balance a low-level adventure for higher-level characters?

2 votes

Can the caster of an upcast Etherealness spell dismiss it for the other creatures it targets?

2 votes

Is there an official explanation for the fluff of why magical healing is less effective on creatures with lots of hit points?

2 votes

Stone Shape: can the stone extend past the original affected area?

2 votes

Is there any practical way to magically summon/create a weapon and throw it in one turn?

2 votes

Can you use a readied action after Haste?

2 votes

What happens when multiple Wish spells conflict?

1 vote

How does one target a piece of jewelry being worn by a character?