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  • Member for 6 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

Are there rules for "uncontrollable lycanthropy"?

8 votes

Can an Abjurer wizard use the ability Projected Ward without summoning the Arcane Ward before?

7 votes

Is a speech trying to convince a crowd of something a persuasion or a performance check?

7 votes

Can you get a surprise attack by distracting an enemy who is aware of you?

7 votes

Can a monk catch and throw an Arcane Archer's active Arcane Shot back at them with Deflect Missiles?

7 votes

When restoring a character's hit point maximum lost from exhaustion, does the character also regain hit points?

7 votes

For a multiclassed cleric/wizard, can cleric class features be applied to my wizard spells, and vice versa?

7 votes

How do you do damage?

7 votes

What is the purpose of easy combat scenarios that don't need resource expenditure?

7 votes

Can a Kensei monk spend a bonus action to use the Kensei's Shot feature after they make an attack roll, and still do the extra damage on that attack?

7 votes

Can I stab through two enemies using a spear?

7 votes

Does a "suicidal command" by a succubus trigger two saving throws?

6 votes

Can a creature use the Banishment spell to free itself from the Maze spell?

6 votes

Is the Land Druid's Nature's Sanctuary feature useless against grapples and shoves?

6 votes

Who is healed when you Make Camp?

6 votes

Are the ability scores granted by lycanthropy permanent?

6 votes

What exactly happens when I cast Web in midair?

6 votes

How much damage can the Guardian of Faith spell deal?

6 votes

How does the Banishment spell interact with other spells that trigger when entering a space?

6 votes

As a Hexblade Pact of the Blade warlock, if I use my pact weapon bow as an improvised melee weapon, which benefits carry over?

6 votes

Dragon's Breath Spell with Empowered Evocation

5 votes

What creature type are dragonborn?

5 votes

How do Transmute Rock and Wall of Thorns work together?

5 votes

What is the order of events when a Contingency spell is triggered by a reaction that pre-empts its trigger?

5 votes

Does the Hunter ranger's Stand Against the Tide feature require the new target to be within reach of the first enemy?

5 votes

Is it possible to cast a delayed resurrection spell on myself?

5 votes

Are all passive ability checks floors for active ability checks?

5 votes

Does the Black Tentacles spell do damage twice at the start of turn to an already restrained creature?

5 votes

Could a monk "deflect" (catch and throw) a net?

4 votes

How could you gain a ritual book for the Ritual Caster feat, from a storytelling perspective?