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  • Member for 6 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

How do hit dice affect my attacks?

14 votes

How do I figure out how many proficiencies I get at level 1?

13 votes

Can Drunkard's Luck let someone gain advantage if he has advantage and disadvantage?

13 votes

Is the Command spell's "one-word command" the only verbal component of the spell, or is there more?

13 votes

Can Genasi derive from stock other than human?

13 votes

Can magic users control arcane energy in ways other than the spells they can cast?

12 votes

Can I communicate with (and see through the eyes of) my familiar when it's carrying me in my Bag of Holding?

12 votes

How does a bard become aware that their music has magical properties? Or must they actively choose it? And how would they learn?

12 votes

Can I make an object, so that when the characters touch it they are teleported somewhere else?

12 votes

My Ranger missed picking a "favored enemy language" when I started. Is it fair for me to pick one now that I'm in the midst of a campaign?

12 votes

Is an improvised weapon treated as similar enough to a weapon to use its properties still considered "improvised"?

11 votes

If I stole a spellbook from a wizard, could I learn spells with it?

11 votes

Is the 5-foot range of the Help action my range to the ally, the enemy, or both?

11 votes

Can the Produce Flame cantrip remain continuously active in a blizzard?

11 votes

If a Knowledge cleric uses an action to end Read Thoughts' effect early and cast Suggestion, does Suggestion fail if target is more than 30 feet away?

11 votes

Is a 10th-level Transmutation wizard considered a shapechanger for the purpose of effects such as Moonbeam?

10 votes

Can the "Friends" spell be used without making the target hostile?

10 votes

Is the additional damage die from the Wild Magic sorcerer's Spell Bombardment feature doubled on a crit?

9 votes

Adventurers League: What is downtime and what can it be used for?

9 votes

Does the target of Message know the caster's location?

9 votes

As a Sorcerer, can you trade out the spells granted by the Drow High Magic feat?

9 votes

Can I use a spell out of combat?

9 votes

How can I run a session where two opposing parties play at the same time?

9 votes

Are sorcerers unable to use the Careful Spell metamagic option on themselves?

9 votes

My players want extra effects from their attacks. What should I do?

8 votes

Can Sneak Attack be used when hitting with an improvised weapon?

8 votes

If I cast the Friends cantrip on an enemy, can I Hex/Hexblade's Curse them without provoking combat?

8 votes

Can the Battle Master fighter's Commander's Strike maneuver be used on a mount from the Find Steed spell?

8 votes

Does True Seeing work through Scrying?

8 votes

Are there any flying creatures with truesight?