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NathanS's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
91 votes

How fast does a character need to move to be effectively invisible?

80 votes

Could I have handled this PC interaction better?

75 votes

Can a persuasion roll avoid battling the BBEG?

71 votes

How to deal with DM favoritism toward a player who is able to silence other players in order to avoid being constantly overruled by the group?

67 votes

Players constantly capture enemies and question them, how to deal with it?

62 votes

Keeping the world alive whilst PCs take a rest mid-adventure?

60 votes

When a creature is hit with more than one fireball simultaneously, do they take damage from all of them?

59 votes

Can a Tiefling be born from two human parents?

54 votes

How can I discourage a player from making the same character if their current one dies?

52 votes

Can the Protection fighting style be used in this way?

50 votes

What are the mechanical and role-playing advantages of playing a human?

50 votes

Potent Cantrip with Toll the Dead vs Evasion

49 votes

Does hitting a creature with a magical creature count as magical damage?

45 votes

How to avoid the guidance cantrip from dominating the game without creating any benefit?

41 votes

Would forcing armour on a wizard using an illusion spell and Illusory Reality 'harm' them?

40 votes

Can I Misty Step into Midair?

38 votes

Can you take the Dodge action while prone?

38 votes

Does Scorching Ray being fired at a single target count as one attack for the purpose of the Help Action?

37 votes

How do I deal with a player wanting to do an activity that takes weeks when the party doesn't want to?

37 votes

Can you take actions after being healed at 0hp?

37 votes

What is Orcus doing with Mind Flayers in the art on the last page of Volo's Guide to Monsters?

37 votes

My players want to grind XP but we're using milestone advancement

36 votes

What would happen if a Centaur Oath of the Ancients Paladin used Turn the Faithless?

36 votes

Can the Half-Orc's Relentless Endurance trait protect them from things that would normally kill someone instantly?

35 votes

Does being invisible grant advantage on stealth checks by RAW?

35 votes

Are there any RAW effects that give a flat damage reduction?

34 votes

Can a character use teleport as a weapon?

33 votes

Can I use magic gifted by a deity if I'm not a paladin, warlock, or cleric of that deity?

32 votes

Do "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" keep my STR at 19 when I'm attacked by Shadows?

32 votes

Can Bardic Inspiration prevent the results of a creature rolling a 1 on a death save?

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