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BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
68 votes

How can I make combat less static in D&D 5e?

60 votes

In a low-combat campaign, most PC abilities seem useless; what few fights there are barely use up resources. How do I deal with this as the DM?

59 votes

How can I use Animate Objects in combat, without slowing combat down for everyone?

58 votes

How would combat work without opportunity attacks?

56 votes

Can the manual and tome magic items that increase stats be used multiple times by bypassing the century wait time via the spell Sequester?

53 votes

Can a 6th-level Totem Warrior barbarian (Eagle totem) with the Observant feat read the lips of a creature a mile away?

49 votes

Can Polymorph end spells that require the target to be humanoid?

48 votes

If you are incapacitated, can you move?

46 votes

What is the lowest level at which a human can beat the 100m world record (or: the presumed human limit) without using magic?

45 votes

Why choose Mass Suggestion over Suggestion?

44 votes

Is it better to dash or dodge across an open field?

41 votes

How can a level 20 warlock cast Magic Jar?

38 votes

Can Siege Weapons trigger Sneak Attack and other weapon-based class features?

38 votes

Does the Crossbow Expert feat's extra crossbow attack work with the reaction attack from a Hunter ranger's Giant Killer feature?

37 votes

Does a monk decide to use their reaction on the Slow Fall feature after falling damage is rolled?

37 votes

What are the mechanical consequences of a Centaur's Fey trait?

36 votes

How does a bat have +0 modifier to attack?

36 votes

Is your proficiency bonus a class feature?

35 votes

Can you use telekinesis to get a friend out of a gelatinous cube?

34 votes

Is this recommendation for a fighter to take the Weapon Master feat entirely useless?

33 votes

What does the term "svirfnebli" mean, and how is it different to "svirfneblin"?

31 votes

Can a spell be cast through (semi) transparent things?

31 votes

Can a sorcerer use metamagic when casting a spell via a spell scroll?

29 votes

At what level can a party fight a mimic?

29 votes

Why would I use Scorching Ray?

29 votes

Would a race with bludgeoning, piercing or slashing resistance be overpowered?

29 votes

Does Burrow leave behind a tunnel?

29 votes

Do Order of Scribes wizards have reduced GP costs for copying spells into their spellbook?

29 votes

How many times do you roll damage for Scorching Ray?

27 votes

How can I improve suggesting classes to new players?

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