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mech's user avatar
mech's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
49 votes

What is "squeezing"?

42 votes

How to properly introduce tension to a fanatically self-righteous character?

21 votes

I created a magic item for one character and another character took it

15 votes

Can a charmed Beast Master ranger's Primal Companion attack the charmer?

12 votes

Finding ways to "nerf" a PC that is too strong with base stats, after a long period of playing

12 votes

Must I two-weapon fight with different weapon types or can they be matching?

12 votes

Can I run The Isle of Dread with AD&D?

9 votes

What does Netheril's coat of arms look like?

6 votes

How would elves’ advanced starting age affect my new character?

5 votes

How to determine which works by DMsGuild adepts are legal for Adventurers League?

3 votes

How does slow affect a hydra?

3 votes

What is a valid target for "Elemental Wall"?

3 votes

Can I cast Darkness in my mouth so I can turn it on/off each round without having to use an action?

3 votes

How do you detect a doppelganger?

3 votes

Is the Infernal Machine Rebuild module allowed in Adventurers League?

2 votes

Can you talk to something inside the wall of force spell?

2 votes

Can you use the Shield Master feat to shove someone before you make an attack by using a Readied action?

2 votes

How can I significantly reduce casting time?