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xenoterracide's user avatar
xenoterracide's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

How does switching covers affect bodily needs?

7 votes

Qashmallim, and the similarity to Angels?

6 votes

What happens to a changeling who (accidentally) drinks some blood of a True Fae?

6 votes

Does a line of salt prevent a baned entity from crossing?

6 votes

Can a Demon collect a Soul Pact on supernatural entities?

4 votes

Where is "Create Influence" documented?

3 votes

How to create meaningful relationships with NPCs

3 votes

Where can I read more about the demonic tattoos from Mortal Remains?

3 votes

Do demons have gender? can their covers gender differ?

2 votes

Are there rules for torture?

2 votes

Do Mortals have a means of casting magic?

1 vote

How to keep the group engaged when the party is split?

1 vote

How can I resolve dangerous journeys without playing out every battle in detail?

1 vote

When does a demon "become someone else" in a Cover?

1 vote

How can I encourage the use of willpower?

1 vote

Fleshcrafting in nWoD

1 vote

How is an entity's Rank determined when it's not listed?

1 vote

How is a tranquilizer gun used?

1 vote

What stuff gets used in rituals?

0 votes

How is an entity's Rank determined when it's not listed?

0 votes

Fleshcrafting in nWoD

0 votes

Rules for gradual transformation from mortal to template in nWoD?