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For questions primarily about combat, the systems used in roleplaying games to resolve conflict through violent means, often to the death of one or more characters. Combat often involves several subsystems that determine whether harm is inflicted (to-hit) and the extent of that harm (damage).

18 votes
2 answers

Can monsters enter the area controlled by a character who is playing dead?

Normally in combat, you can neither move through a hostile creature's space (unless there is a big size difference or you use special optional actions like Overrun), nor can you end your movement in the … The way we always have played combat, when a creature is slain or at least prone and unconscious at 0 hp, it does not control any space any more, and both monsters and other characters can move freely …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can creatures fight in cramped spaces like on a boat?

In a similar combat encounters I have experienced as a player, the DM handwaved the space requirements for combat, allowing the PCs to fight back from the boat. … It feels even more ridiculous with a longship (70 ft. by 20 ft., 140 passengers and crew), which could accommodate just 56 medium or small sized creatures under combat conditions. …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can you choose to not participate in combat?

The combat rules state, on page 189 PHB: Initiative determines the order of turns during combat. … So I can rule that they don't control any space in combat, in order to free up that space for the creatures that are acting in combat. …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How is a creature's space defined?

What exactly counts as a creature's space, given that there are a lot of effects that care about an "unoccupied space"? Are a creature's space, its controlled space, and its occupied space all the sam …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

When does the target of Otto's Irresistible Dance start to dance?

The spell Otto's Irresistible Dance enchants a creature so that it begins a comic dance in place: shuffling, tapping its feet, and capering which has several negative effects on the creature: A dan …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to calibrate combat encounters for high level play?

The DMG contains recommendations for the XP values of encounters that are supposed to help you create engaging but survivable combat encounters (page 82). … I am therefore interested in understanding, what has worked in your campaigns as XP budgets for high level combat encounters (Tier 3, level 11-16), compared to what the DMG says? …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is there any estimate of average damage output per turn for PCs by level?

from someone who collected stats for a popular streaming show like Critical Role; or from the designers talking about it in interviews; or theoretically, from deriving this from fundamentals of the combat
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

How can we help our DM to keep things moving?

Using a battlemap on Roll20 has made any combat a tactical mini-game. … How can he run combat with monsters faster and more efficiently without spitballing when it comes to rules adherence? …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
18 votes
6 answers

How many creatures fit on a Carpet of Flying during combat?

However, each of these in combat situations requires a 5x5' space, and that carpet is smaller than even a single one of these spaces. … So, how many characters can fit on flying carpet, and how does that work in combat? …
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar