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For questions about a setting's in-world details or background.

17 votes

What official lore events have marked the changes between editions?

Really, Die, Vecna, Die! is the only case of this in D&D that is generic to all settings. Otherwise, only the Forgotten Realms has undergone such events—see our existing question here. The edition cha …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
7 votes

What's the deal with Pazuzu?

Pazuzu is a demon prince who has been around for long, long time, both in and out of character. The name comes from a Mesopotamian god, also used for the demon in The Exorcist. D&D has had him since t …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
22 votes

How do I make an improptu fix to a lore discrepancy without it feeling forced?

It should “feel forced” Mistakes happen. The clearest, best way to resolve them is to just state unequivocally, out of character, that a mistake was made, and what the correct thing is. If necessary, …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
9 votes

Are there rules that treat Ceremorphosis as an illness or curable/resistable infliction?

Lords of Madness has one Ceremorphosis isn’t entirely consistent from source to source—duration, suitable hosts, etc., tend to vary. But at least one book did describe the experience in some mechanica …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
7 votes

What is the complete list of good-aligned gods of hunting?

Based on deities found in the “3.5e revised edition” of D&D—which is fairly old at this point—I have some suggestions: Ehlonna, Gwaeron Windstrom, Hiatea, Mielikki, and Skerrit are probably your best …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
1 vote

Is there a lore explanation why each setting might have different deities?

D&D 5e relies a lot on older material from previous editions, particularly where cosmology is concerned. It makes explicit reference to the “multiverse,” and there are myriad suggestions that things a …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
6 votes

Where can more information about Droaam be found?

3.5e Books This answer discusses the 3.5e sources; I have limited knowledge of 4e’s take on Eberron (aside from being aware of a series of really, really bad ideas being implemented as ret-cons; I don …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
5 votes

Do the Fey have an enemy race?

Traditionally, that would simply be other fey. Fey are often divided into two or more “courts,” usually “seelie” or “summer” vs. “unseelie” or “winter,” though going with a court for each of the four …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
19 votes

Is there any feat/condition/encounter that gives a character grey eyes?

Characters are free to pick any eye-color they want. The character can have gray eyes just because the player says he or she does. Likewise, having seen an angel in the past is, in most campaigns, a …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
7 votes

Could a significantly powerful caster use create demiplane, permanency and astral projection...

If nothing else, there’s always cutting the silver cord: While you are on the Astral Plane, your astral body is connected at all times to your physical body by an incorporeal silver cord. If the c …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
21 votes

Has there ever been any class with the ability to smite neutral?

In D&D 4e and 5e, paladin’s don’t have any kind of “smite alignment” abilities—they just have unaligned smiting attacks (e.g. blinding smite), that work equally-well on anyone. The 5e paladin’s Divine …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
5 votes

Did the Xakhun ever make it into official production sources?

I’ve executed a number of web searches and trawled through quite a few results, and every single one of them refers to the xakhun as being found in Dragon vol. 244, and does not mention them being fou …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
23 votes

House Deneith vs...House Deneith?

Dragonmarked, a supplement dedicated to the Dragonmarked Houses, lacks any information on this issue. The Forge of War, an adventure written during the Last War, brings this issue up at the outset of …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
7 votes

How did House Deneith prevent mass losses?

I don’t believe that official materials discuss this at all. Certainly, Eberron Campaign Setting, Player’s Guide to Eberron, Dragonmarked, and The Forge of War, by far the supplements most likely to d …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
13 votes

Can there be more than 67 kalashtar in existence at once?

Yes, there are more than sixty-seven kalashtar. There are also more than sixty-six, since the kalashtar bound to their leader, Taratai, sacrificed themselves to produce the shroud resonators that prot …
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k

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