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For games from the The Chronicles of Darkness first edition line, formerly known as 'The New World of Darkness'. They are a series of urban fantasy and horror games released by White Wolf starting in 2004 and later by Onyx Path. Games using the God-Machine Rules Update (aka the Second Edition rules) should use the [chronicles-of-darkness-2e] tag instead.

41 votes

In-game reason for no multiple supernatural templates in nWoD

Supernatural power comes from making mutually exclusive changes to the human soul. My view isn't explicitly stated anywhere, but I consider it supported by statements across the nWoD books. There are …
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6 votes

Effect of modern society's exposure to the improbable on Paradoxes

I saw that article, and this thought never occurred to me. Thanks for bringing it up. It's not totally clear that the Consensual Reality argument holds up so well in Awakening, but it is trivial enou …
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4 votes

How can I do an interesting and engaging siege scenario in Werewolf: The Forsaken?

Give your players at least one opportunity to shine each. By now, you should have a very good idea of the personal stories of each of your characters. This would be an excellent time to pick on an el …
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