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For questions about the practical arts and methods applied to gamemastering (GMing).

27 votes

How can I avoid static dungeons?

Undeniably, adding dynamic responses to a dungeon is hard, and when its a published adventure that doesn't account for it, it's doubly tricky. You're also correct in identifying the problem that, if a …
The Grumbleputty's user avatar
0 votes

How can I help my players be interested in others' characters?

End each session with a metagame quiz One of my favorite GMs always ended each session with a short quiz, highlighting details from the evening's session- things like "What was Tom's character's ful …
The Grumbleputty's user avatar
0 votes

What can I do to help me remember details about the area the PCs are exploring?

For key areas where you know you'll need to fill in details, you can throw together a quick "mood board" of images you've searched out ahead of time. Just collect a bunch of images that have elements …
The Grumbleputty's user avatar
15 votes

How can I make my enemies feel real and make combat more engaging?

It can be useful sometimes to reverse the roles, and imagine the monsters as an adventuring party facing a similar challenge. In this instance, imagine the party is following a caravan guarded by a bu …
The Grumbleputty's user avatar
3 votes

How to get the players to care and RP more?

A few humble suggestions: Give XP to encourage things you like: Everyone likes XP, so give it out like candy for good roleplaying. Tell them at the start of the session you'll be rewarding "in-chara …
The Grumbleputty's user avatar
18 votes

How do I choose a villain in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventure?

Each of the villains has their own flavor, and each suits a different style of play. It's worth reading the Play Style chapter of the DMG (page 34) and considering which suits your group, then reading …
The Grumbleputty's user avatar