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For questions about Vampire: The Masquerade, White Wolf's breakthrough gothic urban fantasy RPG. The game concerns the secret society of vampires who live among the people of the World of Darkness.

8 votes
4 answers

How to make a vampire fire-proof?

Say I'm playing a Tremere, and say I want to stay and watch once I set something on fire. I want to look cool and untouchable doing this, thus running away screaming long-forgotten words in the langua …
ethan's user avatar
  • 365
1 vote
0 answers

How to punish a vampire? [closed]

TL;DR: What are options for a Prince to punish undead rule breakers and which of these could lead to interesting subplots or character development on the side of the rule breaker? So, there is this ci …
ethan's user avatar
  • 365
7 votes
2 answers

Can I use a blood bond to distinguish between my domitor and an illusion of them?

I have a blood bond to a vampire. She's the best thing that ever happened and I am very lucky she chose me and all. Last night, something weird happened. I saw here, thought I saw her, I heard her c …
ethan's user avatar
  • 365
8 votes
2 answers

What punishments do VTM and its supplements recommend a Prince dispense to his disobedient s...

The Masquerade material gives us the Traditions as the law of the Camarilla which a Prince upholds in their domain. These are, in short: Keep the Masquerade. Some people here have territory, trespass …
ethan's user avatar
  • 365
11 votes
1 answer

Why so passionate - does Dementation stack (and how to handle the mad)?

The Malkavian in our group is played by a trigger-happy player who tends to use the cheap lower ranks of Dementation multiple times per session, mostly on his own party. Dementation is the vampiric di …
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