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For questions about the nature of magic in a game. Use [spells] for questions on specific spells, and [spellcasting] for questions specifically about the process of spellcasting.

9 votes

Is dispelling nearly impossible to succeed?

It is an opposed roll The notation of "v." denotes "versus", and means that it is an opposed test. The dispeller rolls 12 and the caster rolls 18. While the caster is at advantage, it is not impossibl …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
0 votes

How to use Illusions on players properly?

Multiple small illusions cast using surveillance/sneaking or servants/magic items (or anything you come up with to justify it) would be better. …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
5 votes

Does non-elemental magic damage exist on offensive projectiles?

Use eldritch blast or magic stone Eldritch blast is an attack cantrip that deals non-elemental damage that is not often resisted (force). … Magic stone creates projectiles and enables you to make magical attacks that deal bludgeoning damage, which is also rarely resisted (although not as rarely as force). …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
8 votes

What are the range and requirements of a Dismiss action?

In game terms there is no such thing as a "dismiss action". Spells and certain abilities may grant you actions specific to them, including letting you end an effect or send something away, but those p …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
9 votes

Can a bard cast Identify as a ritual without having the Ritual Caster feat?

Bards can Not all spellcasters can cast ritually, this is an additional feature some of them have. Look for it in the class description after "spellcasting". Bards have such a feature, so if one were …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
2 votes

Must a multiclassed caster use 2 different spellcasting focuses?

According to entries in the class descriptions: You can use a holy symbol [..] as a spellcasting focus for your cleric spells. (PHB 58) You can use an arcane focus [..] as a spellcasting …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
3 votes

Does Wild Magic continue if I am unconscious/dead?

However a Wild Magic Surge requires no action on the part of the sorcerer and thus can happen when he is incapacitated. Other parts of the unconscious condition do not prohibit it either. … Thus casting fog cloud on yourself is still okay as the target is given by the effect, but there are problems with a magic missile or similar. …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k
91 votes

Can a creature take turns as normal if they are inside an Antimagic Field while another crea...

Tim does not get to take turns The key here is that time stop has Range: self Which means that the one under a spell here is the caster, not everyone else. If they remain outside of the antimagic fi …
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.8k