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For questions about games branded “World of Darkness”, including the original “old WoD” or “classic WoD” and the “WoD” reboot by WW/Paradox Interactive/Modiphius. Not for nWoD/CoD questions. See full description for details.

1 vote

What can be used as the source for Arms of Ahriman?

There is a huge difference in WOD between shadow and darkness. The darkness a Lasombra controls comes from deep within; the shadow from a land called the abyss. Legend has that the Lasombra antedilu …
Renato David's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Restoring a Vampire to mortal life

I'm running a campaign in Dark Ages 2nd edition and I would like to know if there is any vampiric or mage power that can restore a vampire to mortal life. My chronicle is set in Transylvania in the c …
Renato David's user avatar