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For questions about Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, an RPG published in 2014 by Wizards of the Coast. D&D 5e is a heroic fantasy RPG inspired by the mechanics and settings of all previous D&D editions. It was previously code-named D&D Next during the playtest period.

8 votes

What should players roll to "deduce" a solution?

How should I have my players roll to deduce an answer to a simple question? You have two answers already that do a good job addressing your precise question head-on. I would argue the two answers th …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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7 votes

Stone Shape: can the stone extend past the original affected area?

Can the reshaped stone extends past the original affected area? For example, would it be possible to raise a stone pillar from the ground using this spell, or extend a stone wall into a ramp? Maybe. …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Can Fist of Unbroken Air target unseen creatures? [duplicate]

Way of the Four Elements has two similar attacks in its list of Disiplines: Fist of Unbroken Air: You can create a blast of compressed air that strikes like a mighty fist. As an action, you can spend …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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1 vote

Do you have to specify what kind of attack or weapon you will Ready?

You have to describe your action as if you were performing it at that time. The only difference between a readied action and an immediately-taken action is when it occurs. The former occurs at a defin …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I defer levelling up after reaching the XP threshold?

As a compromise between the two answers provided so far (which have already provided the rule-based answer you seek…keeping in mind that of course, at the end of the day what matters is what you and y …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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19 votes

How many people need to succeed in a group check with three people?

Which of these interpretations is correct? Surely this one: At least 1.5 people must succeed, and since you can't have half-people 2 or more people must succeed on the check. The rounding rule a …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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4 votes

Does a Boggle using Dimensional Rift to attack provoke an Opportunity Attack?

No opportunity attack happens. I agree with the rules interpretation of this answer. An opportunity attack occurs "…when a hostile creature that you can see moves out of your reach." The Boggle's with …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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4 votes

Does pointing a bullseye lantern away from you illuminate you as well, or keep you in darkness?

I'm not aware of any official ruling on the topic, so you (or your DM) would have to fall back on common-sense reading. If I point the bullseye lantern away from me, is my character illuminated in an …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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3 votes

Does hair count as “body parts” for the Resurrection spell?

The other answer posits: It may just be that 'hair' and 'nail' are included in this brief list to highlight that these are valid and common options for body parts. I find this interpretation to be w …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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8 votes

What happens when you use the Knock spell on Dimensional Shackles?

There's a lot in the post, but it seems to be that your actual question is this: Can a mage simply open them with knock (presuming they know the spell and have it prepared)? The answer is "yes". Dim …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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7 votes

If you can only hit an enemy by rolling a natural 20, will using the Chronurgy wizard's Conv...

I disagree with both answers. That is, I feel that the rules do adequately answer the question, and do turn the attack into a critical hit. There are two scenarios of interest: the actual target AC, …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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10 votes

What happens when a Slowed character casts a spell on a target that moves out of sight?

To start with, I'll point out that this scenario is extremely similar to a mage having readied a spell, and then releasing it on the next turn. In both cases, the casting occurs during the first turn, …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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1 vote

If a spell caster loses concentration on Greater Invisibility, and an opponent has readied a...

The archer wins Assuming they actually hit the spellcaster, that is. From "Ready" (PHB, 193): …you can take the Ready action on your turn so that you can act later in the round using your reaction. …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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2 votes

When attacking with Spiritual Weapon, what must be concealed from the target for me to gain ...

Note: I have the sense that the "canonical answer" that David is asking for with their bounty would involve some documented rule that specifically addresses the "melee attack at range" scenario. I'm n …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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8 votes

What to do when I'm forced to make battle decisions by other players?

I can't even speak in-game anyway This seems to rule out even the most basic tactical communications during combat, at least by voice. Given this, an option you can consider is to use other signalin …
Peter Duniho's user avatar
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