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For questions about Vampire: The Masquerade, White Wolf's breakthrough gothic urban fantasy RPG. The game concerns the secret society of vampires who live among the people of the World of Darkness.

8 votes

How many Discipline points does a newly embraced ghoul get?

An embraced ghoul receives three discipline points. The part of: necessary to raise them to the starting values for vampires. strictly refers to Attribute and Ability points, nothing else. Hen …
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5 votes

Does Blood Of Potency (Path of Blood •••) permit the learning of advanced Discipline powers?

No The corebook itself clearly prevents this trickery. Learning takes time. As said on page p124 of the V20 rulebook: Learning new Traits, however, is a little more difficult. Even a vampire ca …
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17 votes

Blood bonded through human victim

Depends The wording in that section of the rulebook (3rd Edition p218): Each sip of a particular Kindred's blood ... If a being drinks three times, on three separate nights, from the same Kindred …
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4 votes

Average Number of Ghouls per Vampire?

No I haven't ever come across an average number in my years of reading and playing Vampire. If I just look at the rules, then V20 gives more room to have several ghouls than Third Edition. In V20 a …
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9 votes

How to handle lowering Generation to third or lower with Blood of Potency?

I'm going to challenge your question a bit. Why would you do it? I don't understand why your character would cast this power as you describe it. The only increase you experience is a bigger blood …
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14 votes

Do Lasombra show up in cameras?

No, it never applied The weakness is still the same (see p59 of V20). So at first I thought that it would depend upon the type camera used. But the comment of T.J.L was a trigger to dig deeper: C …
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2 votes

How should I roleplay Trait levels of 6 or more?

Attribute and abilities are normally rated on a 1 (poor) to 5 (peak human capacity) scale. Peak human capacity are people such as athletes who win medals at olympian events (Usain Bolt, Ian Thorpe, .. …
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5 votes

Should NPCs use Willpower to get auto-successes?

In all my games (as player or ST) story important NPC would use Willpower in critical moments (based on their Nature and desired goals). This would be added into their roll automatically. Negotiatin …
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7 votes

Who, how and when created the combo Disciplines?

My answer is heavily rooted in Vampire the Masquerade Third edition. Pleasebe aware that there's very little written about how any vampire develops a combination discipline. But how did those "tea …
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14 votes

Was the Ravnos antediluvian a wight?

There's no in-canon reference for either, however I think there are strong points for Zapathasura to not be a wight. First, a breakdown of the history before Zapathasura awakened: Ravnos and Kuei-J …
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4 votes

How can I incorporate Koldunic Sorcery in Vampire: The Requiem?

Rough-do-it-yourself-conversion: The branching nature of blood magic paths (as seen in the gazillion paths that the Tremere had) doesn't exist in Requiem. The disciplines that come closest to resem …
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