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For questions primarily about combat, the systems used in roleplaying games to resolve conflict through violent means, often to the death of one or more characters. Combat often involves several subsystems that determine whether harm is inflicted (to-hit) and the extent of that harm (damage).

7 votes
3 answers

If a mount without a saddle dashes does the rider need a saving throw?

The mounted combat rules are pretty slim and mention that... (PHB 155) Saddles. A military saddle braces the rider, helping you keep your seat on an active mount in battle. … I don't think there are very many more rules for 5e mounted combat at the moment, so maybe someone with knowledge of how this might have worked in editions past could answer with some of that info. …
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14 votes
1 answer

Can a character target multiple enemies with multiattack? Can they be separated?

The actual term "multiattack" only shows up in the PHB a few times, but it never indicates whether the subsequent attack is restricted to the same target as the first one. Because it is never explicit …
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50 votes
8 answers

How does one handle a bottleneck of enemies in a doorway?

What tactics can a DM use in a combat scenario like the one above to make sure that the NPCs are all contributing to the battle? …
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