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Questions tagged [swarm]

For questions about swarms. A swarm generally refers to a large group of some type of small creature, usually one that is little or no threat individually, which is treated as a single foe by game mechanics.

4 votes
2 answers

Does being in the same space as a swarm reduce the chance of being hit by an attack?

I'm running the Curse of Strahd adventure for DnD 5e. The party is fighting Baba Lysaga, who already has 3/4 cover, giving her +5 AC as she flies on a skull. I was thinking about adding Swarms of ...
Artmaton's user avatar
14 votes
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Do creatures with a reach of 0 get attacks of opportunity when a foe moves away?

Some creatures like swarms have a reach of 0 with their attacks-- do they even get attacks of opportunity when someone leaves their reach?
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Can you stack swarms?

Swarm of Bats for example states: Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny bat. The swarm can’t regain ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
1 vote
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Can you use Awaken on an Insect Swarm and affect the whole swarm? [duplicate]

A swarm of insect technically counts as a single "creature", but Awaken only specifics targeting a "beast" or "plant". Note it doesn't say a single beast or plant, just a ...
TheMonkeFist's user avatar
4 votes
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"Each of your turns" Gathered swarm clarification

I'm trying to figure out if I can do the reaction polearm master and use gathered swarm if I hit I'm just honestly confused by the "each of your turns" part of gathered swarm.
SuprLarry's user avatar
6 votes
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Are single swarms of Large size completely shapeable in Pathfinder?

This D&D 3.5 question touches on this subject. Recently in a Pathfinder 1e game, it came to my attention that Paizo removed the second line clarifying that swarms were shapeable 10' creatures. I ...
James Risner's user avatar
5 votes
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How many swarms of centipedes can I fit in a 40 gallon barrel?

I'm playing in D&D 5e. I want to buy barrels of centipedes in Chult. How many swarms can I get per 40 gallon barrel? Given a 40 gallon barrel, and a 5x5 (medium sized) swarm of centipedes, how ...
djmsmith's user avatar
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Can you create the illusion of a swarm with Major Image?

The spells Phantasmal Force and Major Image allow you to create the illusion of a creature, here for example the text from Major Image: You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How do Swarms interact with Damage Reduction?

As far as I understand Swarms are basically a hundred (or thousand) of the same creature and instead of having each of them roll to hit for one damage it is abstracted with swarms dealing damage based ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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Tiny swarms and weapons with multiple damage types

I've just run an encounter for my players with several Carrionstorms. While doing so, one of my players with a weapon that did both Bludgeoning and Piercing damage (Akashic Mysteries' Hand Cannons ...
Jack Timmons's user avatar
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Can a player begin and end its movement inside a swarm's space and not incur an opportunity attack?

Dirk, Hermes, Necryx, Jomil and Sing Lore- avert your eyes, or incur the wrath of Spuggroth the Humbled and Aflame! I'm designing an encounter where the party is trying to confront some foes in the ...
The Grumbleputty's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there any way to become a swarm of bats as a PC?

Is there any way to transform a PC into a swarm of bats without breaking any of the official rules?
KRG's user avatar
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Can you take the form of a swarm with the polymorph spell?

The Polymorph spell says: The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's Swarm of insects says: Medium swarm of Tiny beasts Can a wizard choose the form ...
KRG's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is a Gathered Swarm considered to be worn or carried by a Swarmkeeper Ranger?

According to the description of a Ranger's 3rd-level Swarmkeeper feature Gathered Swarm, it indicates: Until you die, the swarm remains in your space, crawling on you or flying and skittering around ...
Weiramon's user avatar
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Can the rats summoned using a Hat of Vermin allow a character to use the Pipes of the Sewers to call forth a swarm of rats?

(Full disclosure: this is a silly question, not to be taken too seriously.) A Hat of Vermin (XGtE, p. 137) can be used to conjure up to 3 rats: This hat has 3 charges. While holding the hat, you can ...
Gael L's user avatar
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Do the benefits of the Slasher Feat work against swarms?

I am curious whether the abilities granted from the Slasher feat from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (p. 81) would work on swarms. More specifically, the second and third benefits: Once per turn when ...
Seiat's user avatar
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Can creature swarms be targeted by spells that target 1 creature?

In Pathfinder 2, are swarms considered a single creature for purposes of spellcasting? During game, a spellcaster attempted to target a raven swarm with fire ray. The spell states that it targets '1 ...
William M-B's user avatar
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Is there some monster that works like a swarm of bodies?

I want to ask whether somebody has designed a monster that works like a swarm of bodies. Not undead but simply human, dwarf, etc. bodies that are corrupted or something similar. I want this monster to ...
GiordiX's user avatar
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How do *you* run the Sleep spell on swarm-type enemies? [closed]

I have a feeling the RAW will suggest that this work just like with any single entity (like a goblin), but affecting a swarm seems like it should not simply be an "all or nothing" consideration. While ...
Mike Murphy's user avatar
15 votes
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How are swarms considered in terms of number of creatures?

There is, in Adventurers League Dnd, a monster statblock with the following ability : At the start of his turn, every living creature within 100 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving ...
Gael L's user avatar
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Can Swarms/Troops in Pathfinder 1e cast spells and deal damage in the same turn?

I'm creating a Troop of casters and wanted to know if they could both deal their "swarm damage" and cast a spell in the same turn. It makes sense to me since an attack for a swarm reads as follows: ...
Drekey's user avatar
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Can the Selective Spell metamagic feat be used to exclude a swarm from targeting?

I'm researching the attack spells available to druids. Creeping Doom looks very useful for some situations, but it seems like it doesn't combine well with other spells like Flame Strike and Fire Storm ...
Ben S.'s user avatar
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Swarms and Targeted Spells [duplicate]

Last night, I had a Swarm of Bats sharing a space with one of my PCs, and two of the others used spells against it: Fire Bolt and Poison Spray. The question came up asking if it would affect the PC ...
zimdanen's user avatar
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25 votes
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Can a Beast Master ranger choose a swarm as an animal companion?

The Beast Master ranger's Ranger's Companion feature says: At 3rd level, you gain a beast companion that accompanies you on your adventures and is trained to fight alongside you. Choose a beast ...
Amethyst Wizard's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What are inexpensive and efficient ways for mundane characters to deal with swarms? [duplicate]

Swarms can be a big problem. In both Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 and in Pathfinder they are either immune to weapon damage or take less damage than normal from many weapons (see here and here, ...
Momonga-sama's user avatar
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Can a swarm be intimidated?

Last night the party ran into a swarm (this one was rats) which proved rather difficult, but interesting, for them to overcome. The bard, looking for an effective way to light them on fire cast ...
TigerDM's user avatar
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What happens when you cast the Polymorph spell on a swarm?

If a caster targets a swarm with the spell polymorph, what happens? The polymorph spell description says: This spell transforms a creature with at least 1 hit point that you can see within range into ...
Rykara's user avatar
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Which spells or tactics allow a low-level non-blaster Arcanist to deal with creatures immune to mind-affecting spells or who have a lot of HD?

I played The Confirmation yesterday, and it was a rather interesting experience. Our party consisted of: 2 Arcanists with Grease and Color Spray prepared and Quick-Study (my friend and me) A party ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
28 votes
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Can a bunch of druids wild-shape into a creature that can swarm, then form a swarm with other wild-shaped druids?

Related to these questions: Can a druid wild shape into a cranium rat and use telepathy? Can a Druid Wild Shape into a Swarm or “Giant”? The Cranium Rat question establishes that the full stat ...
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Does the bard's Inspire Courage feature increase damage for swarms?

The Bard's Inspire Courage feature references weapon damage rolls: A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
0 votes
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What HD and Size does a Vampire's "Become the Swarm" Feat give?

The question is quite simple but I've looked and can find no clear answer. Lets say a 10HD vampire has the Become the Swarm feat; do you calculate the damage and size via the Swarm Damage by Size ...
Firealarm's user avatar
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Can the Conjure Animals spell summon swarms?

The spell conjure animals (PHB, pg. 225) says: You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. Choose one of the following options ...
NathanS's user avatar
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Can a wizard have a swarm of animals as a familiar?

Can a wizard have a swarm of animals as a familiar? An Imp is a possible familiar and has a CR of 1, and most swarms have CRs of 1/4. Does it have to be a single creature or could the spirit take the ...
Cole Janda's user avatar
14 votes
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What does Sacred Flame do to a swarm?

So a player casts sacred flame on a swarm. What would the effect be? Sacred flame targets a creature that you can see within range A swarm is made up of many tiny (or smaller) beasts. Would it take ...
James's user avatar
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Is an intelligent swarm subject to an ability damaging (pseudo) gaze attack?

The question comes from the following situation. There were two monsters present on the battlefield: a ghost with Horrific Appearance special attack and a silthilar (Lords of Madness, p. 168) in the ...
annoying imp's user avatar
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Do swarms limit sight?

The spell Insect Plague summons locust swarms composed of 1,500 locusts per 10 by 10 feet square (shapable). This should limit sight severely. But is there any rule that it does?
Giorin's user avatar
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How can I make a swarm of cats?

The PCs in my homebrew campaign setting are finally to the point where a lone cat is not an excessively dangerous foe, yet a clowder of cats could still worry them. However, my research efforts have ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
11 votes
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Does reactive damage affect swarms?

Swarms have the following trait: A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of ...
Umbranus's user avatar
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Does a summoned swarm's Distraction use the caster's save DC or the one in the MM?

When a druid casts Insect Plague, is the save DC of the swarm's Distraction ability 12 (what's written in the MM), or is it based on the 5th level druid spell (15+ability)?
Wannabe Warlock's user avatar
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What are the rules for swarms joining together?

I have a swarm-summoner in a level 15-15-14-13 party that I'm DMing in. He has explained to me that swarms may join together to increase their hit dice, damage, saves, size, etc. I was wondering if ...
garret Lennelluc's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a swarm with the hivemind ability gain class levels?

Can a swarm gain class levels, specifically a hellwasp swarm as it has an intelligence score of 6?
garret Lennelluc's user avatar
7 votes
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Can you get sneak attack as a swarm?

Can a character with the sneak attack ability, deal sneak attack damage with a swarm attack while under the effects of a spell like Verminous Transformation? (Unfortunately Swarm Skin isn't an ideal ...
Isaac's user avatar
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What is the difference between Summon Swarm and Natural Swarms?

What is the difference between a natural Bat Swarm and one summoned by the spell besides it having a duration and concentration by the caster? Do the summoned bats not behave as natural bats? Are ...
Zarkos's user avatar
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Does a swarm damage other swarms or creatures of the same kind?

I am wondering if swarms damage other swarms of the same kind if they occupy the same square, or other animals of the same species/kind that move through, or even join them. An extended example shows ...
Zarkos's user avatar
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Does a spell with a target of "You" work if cast by a Swarm on itself? [closed]

Herbert is a Rat Swarm with Psychic levels. As such, he is able to cast magic and has the Int score on the level of a wizard. HOWEVER. A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a ...
Frezak's user avatar
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Where, exactly, is it laid out that a torch can do damage to swarms?

So it's pretty common that people say that torches can do a single point of fire damage to swarms. However, my group can't seem to find any sources that confirm this. Basically, it comes down to ...
ChrisPy's user avatar
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How could I phys-rep a swarm of flying creatures?

Suppose my referee friend wanted to send a swarm of bees, bats, crows, or some other small flying creatures at some players. How could he simulate something that'd evoke the right reactions? The ...
ymbirtt's user avatar
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Are the rats in 5e over powered? [closed]

So killer rat swarms in D&D always seemed weirdly overpowered to me. In 5e a swarm of rats does 2d6 damage, or the equivalent of being hit by someone swinging a greatsword every six seconds. Or ...
Mysterious Alpaca's user avatar
24 votes
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Can swarms be pushed or pulled?

Following up my question about grappling conditions on swarms, a situation came up in my group when the Druid attempted to use the spell Thorn Whip to pull a swarm of piranhas on shore to defeat them, ...
Dumpcats's user avatar
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Can you grapple a swarm?

While it doesn't make sense from a rules as intended perspective, I haven't seen anything in the Grapple section or your average swarm's stat-block that protect it from being grappled.
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