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14 votes
1 answer

If a character can use a +X magic weapon as a spellcasting focus, does it add the bonus to spell attacks or spell save DCs?

My 5e College of Swords bard can use a weapon as a spell focus for their spell casting. If they have a +1 rapier and cast a spell requiring a spell attack roll, do they get the +1 added to their ...
Protonflux's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use a weapon as a normal weapon and an arcane focus at the same time?

I am relatively new to D&D, and am currently creating my very first PC, a Tiefling Sorcerer with a Draconic Origin. As I was working on my weapons and items, I got into what an arcane focus is and ...
mystical_rolls's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Is there any deity whose worshipers are allowed to substitute a weapon for a holy symbol?

So we have a question about holy symbols for characters with Vow of Poverty, since officially holy symbols violate the vow (which is absurd in all kinds of ways but this isn’t “merely” RAW, Wizards of ...
KRyan's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Can I use an Arcane Focus used as a Quarterstaff as my Pact Weapon?

As per Can the arcane/druidic focus staff double as quarterstaff?, I understand that I can use an arcane focus staff as a quarterstaff. I was wondering then if there was any limitation on that same ...
Ethan The Brave's user avatar
62 votes
6 answers

Can the arcane/druidic focus staff double as quarterstaff?

Does the staff version of an arcane or druidic focus also work as a quarterstaff? At least at character creation can you say that for example your druids quarterstaff and druid focus staff is one and ...
Chryckan's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

Can an Elven Wizard use a bow for an arcane focus?

If an elven wizard had proficiency in a bow, could he use that as his arcane focus?
RS Conley's user avatar
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