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Can a wizard have previously prepared objects as backup arcane focuses?

Could a wizard somehow have already prepped objects (like backup wands, staves, or whatever object) as backup arcane focuses? For example, say you're a Runesage (which is the class I'm interested in), ...
ThreeQuent's user avatar
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If you cast a spell with a focus component and a long duration, does it end if the focus component goes missing?

I can't seem to find a good example outside of 3rd party materials right now and pending GM or Dev input I figured I'd ask here. The example I'm specifically looking at is the Dart Gun I spell from ...
Dorian's user avatar
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Do you still take the focus penalty from the Cunning Caster feat when your focus is permanent?

Cunning Caster This feat allows you to hide spellcasting, but takes penalties for every visual aspect of the spell you need to hide. The general benefit is below: When casting a spell, you can ...
Stephen R's user avatar
2 votes
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Do you need a free hand to present your holy symbol?

When channeling energy, it says that you must present your holy symbol. But does this take a free hand? Do I have to put down a weapon/shield if both hands are holding something? A cleric must be ...
ShadowKras's user avatar
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3 answers

What effects would invisible or illusioned holy symbols have on casting for a cleric?

If a cleric decided to have their holy symbol invisible would it affect any of the uses of it? Such as the ability to channel, casting spells with divine focus, and possibly preparing spells (this one ...
Fering's user avatar
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How does SoP focus use work?

I am building a spellcasting character using the Spheres of Power rules and one of the casting drawbacks I have taken is focused casting. Focused Casting Your magic requires you to use an item ...
Fering's user avatar
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What happens to the book after a creature is released from Scribe's Binding?

Scribe's Binding imprisons a creature in a book, that then is filled with its "memories and knowledge". If the creature is released, does the book still contains the "memories and knowledge" of the ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does using a focus/divine focus to cast spells require to hold it in hand?

The eldritch archer magus archetype can cast spells with somatic components and wield a ranged weapon at the same time (most of them are two-handed). The thing is that most spells require material ...
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3 answers

Does a cleric need to have a holy symbol at hand to channel energy?

From channel energy: A cleric must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability. What, precisely, does this mean? Must the cleric have a free hand with which to grab the symbol and ...
Tommi's user avatar
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Can a wizard with the False Focus feat use a reliquary weapon as a divine focus, and what value is it considered if so?

My character is a wizard that worships Milani and uses the False Focus feat to cast most spells without the need of components, and also loves firearms. I recently discovered the Craft Reliquary Arms ...
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Can clerics use a focus instead of divine focus when casting a spell?

I am a cleric who recently had their holy symbol stolen from them (my backup was in my backpack). I needed to cast a spell. From my list of prepared spells I had summon monster, which has both a focus ...
Fering's user avatar
  • 27.3k
7 votes
2 answers

What are the limitations on my divine focus choices?

What are the limitations of what can be selected for a divine focus? How big can my holy symbol be? Can clerics use a shield or weapon as their divine focus? Can I set the divine focus into a ring, ...
FrancisJohn's user avatar
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Does Pathfinder allow divine casters to use shields as divine foci?

Inspired by this question, I was wondering if Pathfinder RAW allows a holy symbol to take the form of a shield (some other D&D editions have a similar rule), or does it have to take a more ...
Shalvenay's user avatar
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