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14 votes
2 answers

Does the monk's Diamond Soul feature apply to death saving throws?

The description of the monk's class feature Diamond Soul says the following: Beginning at 14th level, your mastery of ki grants you proficiency in all saving throws. Additionally, whenever you make a ...
nick012000's user avatar
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5 votes
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What rules apply when Saving Throw proficiencies overlap?

I'm a playing in a custom setting. The DM says all races are allowed, including the Human (Keldon) variant, from the Plane Shift: Dominaria handbook. One of the traits of the race is this: Keldon ...
Dremons's user avatar
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17 votes
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How does a character proficient in the Medicine skill help other characters recover from diseases, injuries, or similar effects?

Recuperating is described as a downtime activity option on Basic Rules Version 1.0, page 71: You can use downtime between adventures to recover from a debilitating injury, disease, or poison. ...
JamesB's user avatar
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25 votes
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Would it be unbalanced for Dex-based Fighters to choose proficiency in Dex saving throws instead of Str saving throws?

Whilst building a Dex-based Fighter (an Arcane Archer), I decided to pick the Resilient feat at level 4 so that I could have proficiency in Dexterity saving throws, which makes sense given that they ...
NathanS's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What is the distribution of monster save proficiencies?

I'm curious which saves are the best to target (as a player). As in, if I have a spell that forces the enemy to make a dex save and another spell that forces a con save, which am I better off using? ...
Doc's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can I pick a different saving throw proficiency for Slippery Mind if I already have proficiency with Wisdom saves?

I am playing a rogue that I built a little over a year ago for my first ever game of D&D. We play about once a month or so in an ongoing campaign. My DM set my ability scores for me when we began, ...
Red-Ranger8's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Do you gain any proficiencies when multi-classing other than weapon and armor?

When multi-classing, do you gain any other proficiencies outside of weapon and armor. In particular do you gain saving throw proficiencies?
Aviose's user avatar
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