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Can a Soulknife Harengon add a Psionic Energy Die to Initiative Checks?

I've been searching forums and brainstorming about this idea. I am curious about how many holes can be put in this theory and how many DMs would allow this at their table. Supporting Evidence Every ...
Tails's user avatar
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Can a 6th level rogue select Investigation for their Expertise feature even if their Intelligence modifier is +0?

So I started playing d&d a while ago, but when I was building my first character ever I didn’t completely know what I was doing so I assigned my rolls to abilities I didn’t totally need to have ...
Thorn Sixx's user avatar
7 votes
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Why does the rogue's Greater Weapon Specialization specify legendary proficiency?

The rogue's level 15 class feature specifies: Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 8 if you’re ...
Ben R.'s user avatar
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Can I wield a Saw-tooth Sabre with my tail as a Ratfolk using the Versatile Design weapon modification while being a Red Mantis Assassin?

I started playing a Rogue Ratfolk and have brought myself to the RMA prestige class. I used to wield a ratfolk Tailblade to maximise sneak potential, but it didn't work out because the attacks kept ...
InnCanary's user avatar
4 votes
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Does a Rogue's proficiency with a Rapier apply to the Spiral Rapier?

Does a Rogue's proficiency with a Rapier apply to the Spiral Rapier?
Draven_Blackblade's user avatar
9 votes
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Can a tabaxi rogue with the Criminal background start with 8 skill proficiencies?

Assuming: If a character would gain the same proficiency from two different sources, he or she can choose a different proficiency of the same kind (skill or tool) instead. (PBR, p. 36; PHB, p. 126) ...
Dre's user avatar
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17 votes
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Does the Rogue's Reliable Talent feature work for thieves' tools, since the rogue is proficient in them?

Does the Rogue's Reliable Talent work for thieves' tools, since the rogue is proficient in them? On PHB, pg. 96, it says when Reliable Talent is applicable: Whenever you make an ability check that ...
Boblawblah's user avatar
16 votes
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Can a multiclassed druid/rogue benefit from Expertise while in Wild Shape?

The text concerning changing proficiency bonuses for a druid's Wild Shape feature is as follows: Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you retain your alignment, ...
L0neGamer's user avatar
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How can I gain proficiency in medium armour as a rogue?

I am a level 3 rogue only proficient in light armour. Is it possible for me to become proficient in medium armour eg by multiclassing or some other means?
johnlon's user avatar
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Is there a way to add your proficiency bonus to a generic ability check for use with Reliable Talent?

I was looking into maximizing the effectiveness of the rogue feature Reliable Talent which says: Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll ...
David Coffron's user avatar
1 vote
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Do you apply double Proficiency from Expertise on top of normal Proficiency?

So I am playing D&D 5e with a lvl 1 Elven Rogue as my character. I'm confused about expertise for my Perception. My wisdom is 13, so my modifier is +1. Which makes my Perception 1. But as an ...
Ollie Kaiser's user avatar
11 votes
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If a character has Expertise in more skills than they have skill proficiencies, is the extra Expertise wasted?

Let's say I take 10 levels of Bard and then 10 levels of Rogue. This would give me the following skill proficiencies: 2 from my background 3 from Bard level 1 1 from Rogue level 1 This is a total ...
Nacht's user avatar
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How do Expertise and the Acrobat feat proficiency effects combine? [duplicate]

Scenario : I make a character (rogue) and put proficiency in acrobatics, at level 1 I get expertise and double my acrobatics proficiency buff. (text from roll20): Your proficiency bonus is doubled ...
Clarus_Nox's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can I pick a different saving throw proficiency for Slippery Mind if I already have proficiency with Wisdom saves?

I am playing a rogue that I built a little over a year ago for my first ever game of D&D. We play about once a month or so in an ongoing campaign. My DM set my ability scores for me when we began, ...
Red-Ranger8's user avatar
4 votes
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Arcane trickster and proficiency bonus

A quick question regarding the rogue's arcane trickster archetype. In his spell table (PHB p.98), there is no column with the proficiency bonus, like for the other spellcaster classes. Does this mean ...
Yotus's user avatar
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