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2 answers

Can you make a very very fast demiplane with create demiplane?

My goal is to create a Demiplane where I could craft, taking my time to do it, while time on the material plane would advance very very slowly. Exemple : 1 year on my demiplane = 1 minute on the ...
Binochio's user avatar
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If a Defiler native to Athas managed to get to another Material Plane, could they still use Defiling magic?

From what I understand, in Dark Sun, Defilers can destroy the plants around them to make their magic more powerful. If a Defiler from Athas somehow ended up in another material plane (don't care which,...
LyreCode's user avatar
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In the Forgotten Realms, how does a Wizard cast spells when away from their plane?

In the Forgotten Realms, how does a Wizard cast spells when away from their plane? That is, how exactly do they wield magic when they have no access to the Weave? Can a Wizard still cast if he is ...
Angel S. Vasquez's user avatar
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What would happen to a demiplane created by the Demiplane spell if you cast Earthquake inside it?

The demiplane spell creates a door (and a demiplane) that leads to an extradimensional room of a fixed size: [...] When opened, the door leads to a demiplane that appears to be an empty room 30 ...
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1 answer

Hag alignment change: what happens should they become forcibly 'good'? [closed]

Imagine a night hag grows tired of her untrustworthy coven's backstabbing and betrayal - she decides enough is enough. Over many weeks of trial and error she eventually takes these lesser hags, ties ...
Timm Jimm Grimm's user avatar
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Is there a method to create permanent connections between locations or planes to each other to only allow communication?

Related questions: Are there any spells or magic items that allow for making of ‘logic gates or wires’? Are there methods to allow players to create permanent gates between planes/demiplanes? Is ...
Ej Sizemore's user avatar
7 votes
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Are there methods to allow players to create permanent gates between planes/demiplanes? [duplicate]

My players are wondering if they can create permanent ways between their demiplanes (created by the demiplane spell) and between the planes the campaign takes place in. They, over time, have made many ...
Ej Sizemore's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do planes other than the Material detect as magic to Detect Magic?

From my understanding of how the detect magic spell works, using it on another plane would cause problems. Primarily from my current understanding that: If a character used detect magic on another ...
Max Young's user avatar
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What happens to a devil that dies in an area warded against planar travel?

If it dies outside the Nine Hells, a devil disappears in a cloud of sulfurous smoke or dissolves into a pool of ichor, instantly returning to its home layer, where it reforms at full strength. (MM p. ...
Vigil's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

How do I cover a vast area of land with dense vegetation?

I need help to introduce a plot device for the next scenario I intend to GM. I need a way to cover a large area of grassland (a few miles in radius) with high, thick and near impenetrable vegetation. ...
Forseti's user avatar
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What if natives of the Far Realms ignored the wild magic trait? [closed]

According to the Manual of The Planes the Far Realm (312) has the planar trait wild magic: Any spell or spell-like ability used on a wild magic plane has a chance to go awry. The caster must make a ...
François-Olivier Guay's user avatar
5 votes
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Can a portal to the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Radiance be used to do damage?

I want to open a portal to the Quasi-elemental Plane of Radiance that'll unleash a big ol' laser that'll probably ruin some monster's day. (Currently I'm considering using dimension door to do it.) Is ...
Seann Powell's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

What happens when my dead wizard decides to planeshift out of the afterlife?

So, I know that if my High Elf Wizard dies he goes to the chaotic-good afterlife plane or whatever. That's clear. He leaves a body behind, and gets a brand-new afterlife body in the chaotic good ...
Axios_Verum's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Para-elements by mixing two Classical Elements [closed]

I am building a system in which the physics (and metaphysics) are based on a Western Classical Element system: the four basic elements of Fire, Wind, Water and Earth can intermingle with each other ...
NinGen ShinRa's user avatar