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8 votes
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Troglodyte has two different bite stats?

I'm pretty new to this GMing thing, and am running a prebuilt Pathfinder module. I am setting up the next encounter for my party and noticed that the Troglodyte entry in the bestiary has two different ...
Lten13's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

As a DM, what changes do I need to make to my preparation when transitioning to online play?

I, like many others, have been forced by the current situation to re-evaluate how my games are played. I current run/play in pathfinder 1e and D&D 5e campaigns that have been played entirely in ...
linksassin's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to run a Explore and Search session/campaign? [closed]

So I am planning on running a section of my campaign where the party has to enter a mulitlayers pit, where each layer is a plane with its own eco system, monsters and effects. It's 13 layers stacked ...
Rachen's user avatar
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3 votes
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Increasing CR for more players

I am currently running a short Pathfinder published adventure (We Be Goblins Too!) as an interlude between campaigns. For reasons not relevant to this question, I have 7-8 player coming each week. ...
Barker's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to keep motivated to plan game sessions

I have alot of trouble motivating myself to make games for me to GM. I have the whole story plot for the adventure, clearly in my head, and I have ideas of how to keep them on track with the main ...
Stephen's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

System for Easier Randomized Monster Generation in Pathfinder

I'm a very new GM and I've been running a custom setting in Pathfinder recently. It's post-apocalyptic and due to weird mutations/magic the monsters that the players can run into will often be unique, ...
Onyz's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I best find all the monsters with a given ability?

I frequently want to compile a list of monsters with a specific Special Ability, but doing so currently involves numerous Pfsrd searches and sorting through massive piles of noise, followed by fine-...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
2 votes
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How does a settlement's size change its modifiers?

I am trying to create a settlement using the settlement rules. Each settlement has a size. The Settlement Statistics table has a column called "modifiers" which gives a bonus/penalty depending on the ...
indigochild's user avatar
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What options do I have if I want to play a premade adventure, but don't have enough players? [closed]

I have a fixed group of players that isn't going to change. Better to say, several "groups" of 1 to 3 mostly socially awkward friends who don't want to have people they don't know behind the table, ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

How can I GM a deal with the devil without a law degree and without reducing it to just a roll?

The players in my campaign want to go up against a noble family that's been dealing with a particularly high ranking contract devil. When they reach him, I want to be ready to offer them a deal, and ...
Empiromancer's user avatar
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2 votes
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What's the APL for 3 level one characters?

When determining the average party level, it says to add 1 if the party has six or more players and subtract 1 if there's 3 or less. The party as of this Saturday is going to be 3 level 1 characters ...
TVKILL3R's user avatar
7 votes
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As an inexperienced GM, how can I avoid killing PCs my first time GMing in Pathfinder Society?

While I have experience DM'ing 3.5e, I have far less experience in pathfinder and have not yet GM'd a PFS game. I'm currently preparing to run the Rise of the Runelord's first module (Thistletop) ...
Lawtonfogle's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How would I classify a "disease" for an NPC that's not really a "disease" in Pathfinder?

I am in the process of planning a campaign but I am not sure how to classify this sickness/disease. The whole point of the campaign is to rescue a person who has been held captive for about 5 years....
Cookie's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Shapeshifter Villain travelling with Party

Where to start? First of all, I'm planning on running a Homebrew Pathfinder campaign of my own. I've already got the plot laid out and ideas for various NPCs. The problem is I'm running into an issue ...
Shifter's user avatar
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13 votes
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What is a good starting point for GMing Pathfinder Society Games?

I am considering GMing a few Pathfinder Society (PFS) modules (probably home games at first), and I was wondering where a good place to start would be. I am not new to GMing in general, just to ...
Cthos's user avatar
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