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4 votes
3 answers

What are the potential drawbacks of this in-fiction solution for a varying player group?

This question is a child of Potential problems running a large and varying group in DW, I give full background there, but the important part is that I expect to be GMing a Dungeon World campaign which ...
Will Barnwell's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can I use dungeon/location moves without stalling gameplay?

In Dungeon World there is a GM move titled: "Use a monster, danger, or location move". For monsters, I've generally already come up with specific moves and a host of monsters my players may face in ...
BlackVegetable's user avatar
12 votes
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How would one go about creating Fronts that don't fall under the listed dangers, etc.?

How would I go about creating a front that doesn't use one of the listed dangers? Would I have to find something similar but not quite correct? Create a new one? If I create a new one, how would I do ...
Kaleb Chambers's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How are Kingdoms handled in Dungeon World?

I am playing a Dungeon World Campaign and am wondering how kingdoms are handled mechanically. Do I just let the tags arise naturally from the fiction (such as trade and supply tags/wealth tags for the ...
Kaleb Chambers's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

When do you Move for Front Dangers and how do they take effect?

I'm prepping for the second session of my first Dungeon World campaign and so I'm studying the Fronts/Dangers system. The basic concept makes sense as a way to help organize a more over-arching ...
Dan Bryant's user avatar
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Getting started with a small group? [closed]

I'm looking to GM a game with a few friends (2 players total besides myself, with maybe an occasional 3rd thrown in.) I have some familiarity with D&D 5E, but the mechanics in that are balanced ...
Dan Bryant's user avatar
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How often should I plan for the players to make camp?

This question is meta, linking ingame-time to real-time: How often to make camp in Dungeon World? The desired answer is something like "plan to let them make camp every x hours of playing." The ...
Zsolt's user avatar
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11 votes
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Hidden Moves in Dungeon World

In an upcoming conflict (partly being a battle, but there shall be more than fighting, the time horizon will be not more than a few day in-game time) between two religions, I expect one of my PCs will ...
iraserd's user avatar
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