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10 votes
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Can a druid wildshape into a larger form while surrounded?

Let's say a druid is surrounded by enemies. Maybe they're in a 10ft wide corridor with 2 humanoid enemies on either side. Can they still wildshape into a larger creature? If they can, are the ...
Niall Forman's user avatar
2 votes
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How does Wild Shape work for Tiny Druids?

An NPC concept I think could be interesting is an Awakened Weasel Druid, who's taken over from an old humanoid friend as protector of the forest. However, pretty much all the rules (understandably) ...
Kyyshak's user avatar
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When a druid reverts to their normal form having wild shaped into a Large beast, can they choose which square they occupy?

When a druid reverts to their normal form they appear where their beast shape was. But if their beast shape was Large and their normal form is Medium, can they choose which of the four squares they ...
mjt's user avatar
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If I Wild Shape into a Tiny animal, what modifier do I apply to my CMD? [duplicate]

I know there are a lot of questions about this, but I have one specific one. Let's say I am a Medium human and I change into a Tiny animal. The Beast Shape spell says I get a +4 Dex bonus, which I ...
Glenn Simpson's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Can a druid choose the size of its Wild Shape beast form?

As a Loxodon Druid I plan on "hulking out" into an Elephant using Wild Shape. The question came up: If I'm in a small corridor and I Wild Shape into an Elephant, can I choose the size of the ...
Nick Tydryszewski's user avatar
1 vote
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Do your Planar Shepherd and Druid levels stack when determining the size of creature you can Wild Shape into?

The Planar Shepherd class states: Wild Shape (Su): Your druid levels stack with your planar shepherd class levels for the purpose of determining the number of daily uses, the maximum HD and size (...
Critical Crafting's user avatar
9 votes
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Can a wild shaped druid benefit from enlarge person?

Can a humanoid druid wild shape and then have enlarge person cast on them and become a larger form of what they are wild shaped as? Enlarge person is a transmutation effect and not polymorph like ...
Fering's user avatar
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2 answers

What happens when you end up sharing an enemy (or friend's) space due to a size change?

The rules are clear about "willingly" ending a move in an occupied square: "Whether a creature is a friend or an enemy, you can’t willingly end your move in its space." But they aren't as clear when ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What effect would allowing non-Medium druids to get different wildshape sizes have on balance?

A druid of 5th level can change into a Small or Medium Animal. A Large animal at 8th level. A Tiny animal at 11th level. A Huge animal at 15th level. It makes sense for a Halfling, a human or the ...
Mouhgouda's user avatar
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19 votes
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Does an Enlarge/Reduce spell on a druid affect the beast form if the druid Wild-Shapes?

If a druid (multiclassed into sorcerer) casts Enlarge on himself so that he becomes a Large humanoid (approximately twelve feet tall), and he then Wild Shapes in a brown bear, is the brown bear form ...
Temp's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Is there a lower limit to the size of creature a druid can wild shape into?

In the last few sessions, our druid has been using the tactic of transforming into a spider or other bugs and scouting out entire floors of dungeons by slipping under doors and remaining unseen. Is ...
Peeps's user avatar
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Does size modifiers reverse or apply overtop when wildshaping?

OK, so, let's say I have a small creature, like a gnome, who is a druid. They wild shape into a large-sized animal. Small creatures have these size stats: +1 AC, -1 CMB, -1 CMD, +4 Stealth Checks ...
Cpt. Lordran's user avatar