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Can the "Two-Fisted Shooter" rogue feat give a Small creature the ability to use a crossbow?

Can the "Two-Fisted Shooter" rogue feat give a Small creature the ability to use a crossbow? You can treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and you can reload it one-handed
Sjoerd Zeg Ik Niet's user avatar
4 votes
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Rules for playing tiny characters

I remember reading a couple years ago an article in Dragon about the rules for playing characters smaller than small in D&D 4th edition. The article also came with an adventure for such characters,...
Tom Dacre's user avatar
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Is my short-ish human counted as small?

I play a female human rogue, who is 5'2'' and 110 lb. One of my playmates jokingly mentioned how ridiculous it is that she and his character (a dragonborn) are both medium size. I know that the ...
abv2's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I convert a creature's tactical size to real life measurements?

One of the biggest improvements from 3.5 edition to the 4th DnD edition in my opinion is converting everything to game squares. It makes everything simpler, but unfortunately it also makes it more ...
user3347814's user avatar
7 votes
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Are two creatures sharing one square adjacent to each other?

If a Tiny creature (like a Pixie) shares a square with a Medium creature (say human), are they considered adjacent to each other? Adjacent Squares: Two squares are adjacent if a side or a corner of ...
BESW's user avatar
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Does a Tiny creature have size modifiers to its carrying capacity?

DMG 222 is pretty clear that you use one carrying/lifting/dragging calculation for all PCs. Am I missing an exception for Tiny creatures, or are Pixies just that incredibly strong?
BESW's user avatar
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10 votes
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If half a large creature's body falls on two squares, what happens?

In our game session, a Minotaur Warden knocked a large Mooncalf out of the air onto the edge of a cliff. Half of the creature is on the edge and the other half is over the side. The left 2 squares ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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7 answers

Are there any benefits to being a small character?

Small characters face a number of disadvantages. They can't use two-handed weapons, and have to use two hands to wield a versatile weapon DDI. Further disadvantages include: The inability to Grab ...
Ananisapta's user avatar
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What happens when a large creature stops squeezing in a space that they had to use squeeze to enter?

This is a follow up question relating to What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing a player to play a large creature? So far, everything for the player playing the large Minotaur has ...
Kalamane's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing a player to play a large creature?

We're playing 4e Thunderspire Labyrinth and we've decided to let the tank play a large (2x2) Minotaur. He has all of the stats from the Minotaur player character in the Players Handbook 3, but he's a ...
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