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Can a medium creature standing under a gargantuan/colossal four legged (or more) creature have total cover against air attacks?

Can a medium creature standing under a gargantuan/colossal four legged (or more) creature have total cover against air attacks? Example: a summoner summons a colossal many legged creature and stand ...
Laeral's user avatar
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What's the lowest HD Giant of at least Huge size?

Have a Large character, with the Giant Blood racial trait, and want to use alter self to transform into a Huge Giant (or a huge Humanoid, I guess, but that seems unlikely to exist without templates). ...
Elliot's user avatar
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How Do I Determine Different Measurements If I Change The Measurement Of A Dragon?

I know my title question seems a little confusing, but let me explain. I was looking for some measurements on dragons seeing as I'm doing Tyranny of Dragons and I wanted to have some rough ...
O-Castitatis-Lilium's user avatar
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Do monstrous scorpions grow in size as they age, and if so at what rate?

The Arms and Equipment Guide lists the purchase price for a monstrous scorpion egg at 1,000 gp and the training cost at 2,000 gp. It also mentions how medium sized creatures require a huge size mount ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Alter Size Salient Divine Ability referring to Improving Monsters Size Increases?

The Alter Size Salient Divine Ability states As a free action, the deity can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. The deity also can change the size of up to 100 pounds of objects it touches. If ...
MichaelDorf's user avatar
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Are there any size increases that don’t reduce Dexterity?

I have a character who is interested in increasing their size, but relies on Dexterity and so does not want to take penalties to that in the process. Are there any options for doing so? Shapechanging ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Can a (non-Large) character use the Polymorph spell to become a Huge creature?

I recently looked over the polymorph spell chain for Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e (Alter Self -> Polymorph -> Shapechange) while reading suggestions on forums for what to turn in to with the ...
Samuel Welch's user avatar
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Do "Giant's Stance" and "Improved Natural Attack" stack as a Medium character?

Giant's Stance states the following: While you are in this stance, you deal damage as if you were one size larger than normal, to a maximum of Large. This benefit improves your weapon and ...
Karrion42's user avatar
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What would happen if you try to mount a creature of your own size?

The rules state the following in terms of suitable mounts: [The DM has] the final decision on what is or is not a suitable mount. At its most basic level, a mount should have the following ...
Arthaban's user avatar
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What happens if Animal Growth is cast in a constrained environment?

The spell animal growth (Player's Handbook 198) says If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using ...
Peregrin's user avatar
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Does the effect of the spell Entangling Staff deal varying constriction damage dice based on weapon size?

The spell Entangling Staff (Spell Compendium p.83) causes the caster's quarterstaff to grow vines and constrict opponents. The relevant section reads: If your grapple check succeeds, your ...
Wannabe Warlock's user avatar
4 votes
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What happens when a colossal-sized creature casts Righteous Might?

Righteous Might doubles the caster's size and provides a number of other benefits. My question is this: If the caster is already colossal, does it still get the doubled size and other benefits, or ...
Wannabe Warlock's user avatar
3 votes
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What level should Enlarge Warforged be?

As a follow up to How can I make a Warforged large, I try to find out the right level for a researched Enlarge Warforged spell. My estimate is level 1 or 2 Based on the table below, animals and ...
András's user avatar
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Do your Planar Shepherd and Druid levels stack when determining the size of creature you can Wild Shape into?

The Planar Shepherd class states: Wild Shape (Su): Your druid levels stack with your planar shepherd class levels for the purpose of determining the number of daily uses, the maximum HD and size (...
Critical Crafting's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How can I make a Warforged large?

Because of my inexperience, I made a Warforged tripper, and expected the party wizard to cast Enlarge Person on me when battles were predicted. He is perfectly willing, but we just realized a ...
András's user avatar
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