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22 votes
7 answers

How can I resurrect a creature that died entirely by starvation or dehydration?

The section of the rules on food and water states that exhaustion resulting from starvation or dehydration cannot be cured until the cause has been eliminated (emphasis added): Characters who don't ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to bring a Specter back to life?

The Wraith has this ability: Create Specter. The wraith targets a humanoid within 10 feet of it that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute and died violently. The target's spirit rises as a ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

How can you revive a character who was killed by a Night Hag's Nightmare Haunting?

The Night Hag has an ability that can reduce a character's hit point maximum via nightmares provided they are evil. It then proceeds to state: If this effect reduces the target's hit point maximum to ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What happens to a familiar if the master dies and is brought back?

If a character who has a familiar dies and is then raised via raise dead or even reincarnation, is the familiar still bound to that character or is that bond broken at character death?
Wannabe Warlock's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Can the Regenerate spell bring someone back from the dead?

The description of Regenerate states: You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability. The target regains 4d8 + 15 hit points. For the duration of the spell, the target regains 1 hit ...
MivaScott's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Does a resurrected wizard remember their prepared spells?

Imagine that a wizard died in a fire, and their spellbook burned, too. They were in the afterlife for about a month and after that resurrected. They no longer have a spellbook. Do they remember ...
Ohar's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Is there any spell to bring back a disintegrated character?

In our latest session, one of our PCs got hit by a Disintegrate ray from an Undead Beholder. This dealt the exact damage needed, and so his character got disintegrated. Naturally, we are all sad that ...
Jesse's user avatar
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31 votes
5 answers

Can I resurrect a corpse that was previously animated as undead?

One of my teammates has died in battle. As a noble necromancer, I do not want to carry his corpse to the temple on my shoulders, instead I plan to animate his corpse, so he can walk on its own. Then, ...
Gorock's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How does character death/resurrection work in Curse of Strahd?

While I was asking some questions in general chat about death in the Curse of Strahd adventure, @Derpy brought up an interesting point (that might contain loose spoilers). Correct me if I am wrong, ...
Youjay's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Psychic Scream - Healing after your head explodes?

By request I'm DMing an adventure with a lot of H.P. Lovecraft overtones, and the party has encountered the Big-Bad-Guy tentacle horror, a twenty foot Obyrith I've styled after the Far Realms Glothoma....
AshRandom's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Will revivify work on a creature killed by Extract Brain?

Mind flayers (Monster Manual, p. 222) have the Extract Brain action: Extract Brain. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one incapacitated humanoid grappled by the mind flayer. Hit: The ...
NotArch's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How does PC access to life-restoration magic affect a westmarchian game?

One of the hallmarks of a westmarchian game is danger, with a high likelihood of character death. From Grand Experiments: West Marches: The environment is dangerous. Very dangerous. That’s ...
Jack's user avatar
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70 votes
2 answers

What spells are available to resurrect characters?

What official spells exist that can be used by characters to resurrect their fallen comrades in Dungeons & Dragons? Which classes can cast them and at what level?
Timo Türschmann's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Reviving someone who died due to a reduction of his maximum hit points [duplicate]

Some creatures, such as the Specter (MM, p. 279), have a feature that reduces a victims maximum hit points: Life Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) ...
PixelMaster's user avatar
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0 votes
9 answers

What do you do if a player wants to let their character stay dead without any roleplaying reason?

One of my friends is playing a ranger pirate who has just died. He doesn't want to be revived but can't give an roleplaying reason for it. In-game, the character recently found out that his father is ...
rpgstar's user avatar
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