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How much do players need to know before a campaign [closed]

My friends and I are soon going to start a short campaign. The DM is wondering how much information he should give us at the start. Any tips? We are pretty new to DnD.
Teralynx's user avatar
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How to tell your players about the setting without make them read?

I'm a (quite) new GM who's going to start a Traveller campaign, where my players don't know anything about the setting (be it the canon one or a modified one). I tried to sum the basic setting ...
FraNe91's user avatar
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What should I expect from "Trail of Cthulhu" as a player?

I'll start soon a Trail of Cthulhu game, and I know next to nothing about Lovecraft or even Cthulhu itself. What I know is that this game is based more on investigation and discovery (my GM told me ...
STT LCU's user avatar
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Is there an RPG or RPG setting for Un Lun Dun, and if not, how and how easily would one go about making one? [closed]

I'm honestly a complete noob to tabletop RPGs, having only read the manuals for DnD 4th edition and never having played, but I'd like to know if an RPG or setting for one exists for China Miéville's ...
Ness Gardna's user avatar