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14 votes
4 answers

Would the Ranger be overpowered if their Animal Companion kept attacking once ordered?

For an Animal Companion to attack, the Ranger has to use his action to command it. I am looking to see some math on just why this restriction is in place. Is the ranger way over-powered if the animal ...
Karl's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Can I cast sanctuary as a bonus action as part of the same turn I hit someone

With sanctuary as a bonus action, can a character whack someone then cast sanctuary to try and prevent retaliation? Can they then repeat the same combination of attack and casting sanctuary as a bonus ...
Karl's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can disengage be used for offence?

So a halfling thief uses disengage to dance past two lines of guards and attack an opponent in the back row then a bonus action to run(disengage) back through the line of guards to stand behind his ...
Karl's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Is heat metal too powerful? [closed]

Heat metal is a 2nd level spell that lasts 1 minute (concentration), deals 2d8 damage per round, and has no save. If a Druid casts Heat metal from hiding at 60' on a knight and dashes away, then the ...
Karl's user avatar
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36 votes
8 answers

How is Counterspell a fair spell?

I'm playing an Abjuration wizard in 5e, and am currently level 4. Looking ahead to the 3rd level spell list, I come across the spell I've been waiting for: Counterspell. And then, reading the rules, ...
PixelArtDragon's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is encounter balancing/creation in 5e different to previous editions?

I have been GMing for a group for a few sessions now and I have had a lot of trouble balancing encounters. I go by the rules that it should be the xp the party needs to level as a "balance" and you ...
Bigern's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Will trading the Monk Martial Arts feature for the Grappling Feat cause problems?

I want to play a Pacifist character. My plan is to go 1 level of Monk then max out Wizard-Enchanting. I never want to cause a creature harm, but I'm ok with my friends, or minions, causing havoc. I ...
psychoed42's user avatar
32 votes
7 answers

Are 5e Rangers competitive with other core classes?

Rangers have a lot of flavor and interesting utility spells and abilities. However, it's not clear from a quick reading of the class whether they are mechanically competitive. Their Beast Master ...
Gregory Avery-Weir's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Can a Monk use/trigger Defensive Duelist while wielding a monk weapon (or unarmed)?

Defensive Duelist requires wielding a finesse weapon, yet one of Monks' abilities is to treat Monk weapons (including staves and unarmed strikes) as "having finesse" (in all but name: it allows monks ...
Khashir's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Is a Staff with Finesse balanced?

If you've seen the movie Ip Man, you'll remember that he used long wooden implements in a way akin to a staff, yet focused on quick, precise strikes, rather than brute-strength bashing. What's a ...
Khashir's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Playing two characters in unison in D&D 5e

I am looking for some input: how fair is it to play a pair of characters in a single unit, and what effect does it have on the gameplay? Essentially my idea is a druid who is inept at using his own ...
A.Zander's user avatar
24 votes
8 answers

Are balanced groups important in D&D 5e?

I am the GM. In my 4e campaign, the group (4 players) often ran into trouble in combat if they didn't have one person was in each role of Striker, Defender, Controller & Leader (especially for ...
Fridaypants's user avatar
38 votes
4 answers

Has 5e fixed the balance problems of the monk at all?

Many people believe that the monk has balance issues (and is underpowered) in 3.5e and Pathfinder. The goal of this question is not to debate that point but to see what changes the Monk has undergone ...
Miniman's user avatar
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73 votes
6 answers

Is the old "Linear Fighters Quadratic Wizards" problem still around in 5e Basic?

(This question is a comparison to 3.x, though things might have been different in 4e) In 3.5e there is a large power and capability gap between fighters and wizards that fighters couldn't hope to ...
Mourdos's user avatar
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