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2 answers

Is there any reason to use the Battle Master fighter's Precision Attack maneuver before the attack roll?

The Battle Master fighter's Precision Attack maneuver states the following (PHB, p. 74): When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority die to add it to the ...
FerventHippo's user avatar
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If a special melee attack is successful, does it "hit"? [duplicate]

I have a Fighter PC, second level as of last night, who I would like to become a Battlemaster at third. One of the Maneuvers I am considering is Grappling Strike, which says: Immediately after you ...
Kirt's user avatar
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3 answers

If my next attack roll is subject to a condition like 'disadvantage' can I avoid that by deciding to use an arcane shot after the attack roll?

If my 'next attack roll' is subject to a condition like disadvantage does avoiding the attack roll 'use up' that condition? An example rules text, snipped from Vicious Mockery: [...] the target [...] ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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Does a natural 20 on an attack roll still crit if it was forced to be rerolled?

Does a natural 20 on an attack roll still crit if it was forced to be rerolled? Say a creature attacks me, and gets a nat. 20 on the attack roll (which would be a critical hit). However, I use the ...
Nil Nox's user avatar
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Do you add your modifiers to attack rolls when you fight with two weapons? [duplicate]

I plan on making a dual wielding barbarian/fighter, and in fighter's fighting style it says that this style allows me to add modifiers to damage rolls for second weapon. But do I get a bonus for the ...
Aniki's user avatar
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If a swashbuckler rolls a nat. 20 on Opportune Parry and Riposte, do they automatically parry attacks even if they do not beat the attack roll?

If a swashbuckler rolls a natural 20 when using Opportune Parry and Riposte, do they automatically parry attacks even if they do not beat the attack roll?
Erudaki's user avatar
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When using Two-Weapon Fighting, are your bonuses still added to the offhand attack roll? [duplicate]

I understand how offhand attack works. However, when you roll to hit, would you still add your bonuses to the attack roll?
fukoshari's user avatar
4 votes
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Do the rules explicitly say that there can be no critical hit without an attack roll?

Critical hits are introduced in the PHB under "Attack Rolls": If the d20 roll for an attack is a 20, the attack hits regardless of any modifiers or the target's AC. This is called a ...
Mars Plastic's user avatar
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Is there an official variant rule where a natural 1 ends a full attack action?

In many 3.5 games that I have played, a roll of a natural one on an attack roll is basically just a miss, but you cannot make any more attacks that round. I thought this was an official variant rule, ...
InterstellarProbe's user avatar
19 votes
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Ring of the Ram: what kind of attack does it make?

The Ring of the Ram (DMG p. 193) states the following: While wearing the ring, you can use an action to expend 1 to 3 of its charges to attack one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The ring ...
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Can you use a bonus action in the middle of an attack (e.g. after the attack roll, but before the outcome is determined)?

Say you're a paladin, and you want to cast searing smite (PHB, p. 274). Can I roll my attack, see the result, and decide if I want to spend my bonus action on searing smite before the outcome is ...
Man_Over_Game's user avatar
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Are there any consequences of a Critical Failure on attack rolls?

At "Attack rolls" on page 446 of CRB I could not find anything. For generic weapon attack rolls, is there a difference between Failures and Critical Failures?
András's user avatar
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If a feature has to be used before you know the result of an attack, what happens on a critical hit/miss?

This is inspired by the recent question: "Can I use the Enchantment wizard's Instinctive Charm feature after seeing the die roll?" where this is mentioned at the end, but to avoid having multiple ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
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6 votes
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Would getting a natural 20 with a penalty still count as a critical hit?

Since rolling a number up to 20 with modifiers (an example 17 + 3) is not counted as a critical hit, what happens in the following case? If I roll a natural 20 and because of penalties end up with a ...
Nicodismo's user avatar
1 vote
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If a creature with both the Faerie Fire and Mirror Image spells cast on it is attacked, when is the attack roll actually made?

According to answers on this question about how faerie fire and mirror image interact, the faerie fire spell only affects the creature, and the mirror image spell can change the target of an attack. ...
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