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Creature's size and area of effect [duplicate]

Let's suppose that an effect (like a spell effect) occurs in a 30 ft. radius centered around a certain point. If a Gargantuan creature is only partially inside this region, is it always affected by ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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How big is the area of effect for the Ice Knife spell's explosion, when the spell targets a Large creature?

The description of the ice knife spell states (emphasis mine): You create a shard of ice and fling it at one creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target ...
Lio Elbammalf's user avatar
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Volume of Darkness (spell) interaction with Enlarge creature

If I am enlarged, and subsequently cast darkness on my weapon does the volume that darkness covers expand from my character or only one square that my character occupies? If the latter, how do I keep ...
Ridiculon's user avatar
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Can the Gravity Fissure spell deal damage twice to a creature of larger than Medium size?

The description of the gravity fissure spell says (EGtW, p. 187): You manifest a ravine of gravitational energy in a line originating from you that is 100 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in ...
Braymal Gaming's user avatar
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Can an Air Elemental's Whirlwind ability hit multiple large targets?

The Air Elemental's Whirlwind ability reads: Each creature in the elemental's space must... Both the Air Elemental and the Minotaurs are large creatures. The Air Elemental's ability Air Form allows ...
Porter's user avatar
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Can Large characters squeeze through a 5ft corridor between Walls of Fire?

The rules for Squeezing on page 192 of the PHB state: Squeezing into Smaller Spaces A creature can squeeze through a space that is large enough for a creature one size smaller than it. Thus, a Large ...
Cypher's user avatar
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What's the best way to resolve a paradox created when a mage shapeshifted into a larger creature enters an antimagic field, but its true form doesn't?

This is based on a situation that's happening in my current campaign, though the example below is simplified to remove unnecessary context. The shapechange spell (Player's Handbook, page 274) only ...
user55434's user avatar
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How large is a Globe of Invulnerability cast by a Large creature?

The Globe of Invulnerability spell describes its area of effect like so: An immobile, faintly shimmering barrier springs into existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for the duration. ...
JWeir's user avatar
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Does the radius of the Spirit Guardians spell depend on the size of the caster?

The spirit guardians spell description states: You call forth spirits to protect you. They flit around you to a distance of 15 feet for the duration. Certain other spells like antilife shell state: ...
Allan Mills's user avatar
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Could a Huge or bigger creature (bigger than a 10-foot-radius sphere) use Antimagic Field?

Could a Huge or bigger creature use antimagic field? The antimagic field spell description says: Range: Self (10-foot radius sphere) A 10-foot-radius invisible sphere of antimagic surrounds you. [...]...
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Would a Fireball cast by a Pixie/Human/Dragon of the same level have the same power?

In essence this relates to weapon damage from creatures using "identical" weapons: A human's long sword does 1d8 damage, sure, but a storm giant with a proportionally sized long sword shouldn't do ...
Basement Cat's user avatar
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If a paladin becomes Large, at what point does the paladin's aura originate?

If you enlarge a paladin (so that they take up 2×2 squares on a grid), what point does their aura's radius start at? For Medium/Small creatures (who take up a 1×1 square on a grid), it radiates from ...
James's user avatar
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Where does a huge creature's self-target AoE/Reach start? (Edge or Center?)

Suppose there is a huge creature with an ability that targets all creatures within 10 feet. For player characters, who are medium-sized, effects like this are easy enough to resolve, but what if the ...
Michael Greene's user avatar
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How can I tell a creature occupying more than one square is affected by an area spell?

In our last gaming session our enemies cast a silence spell. The bard had used Alter Self to a change into an Asabi, one of the few large humanoids. Two of his squares were inside the silence spell, ...
Giorin's user avatar
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Is an AOE resolved like a normal attack, even against larger creatures?

As I didn't find anything. How does AOE work in D6? I don't mean explosives there but instead some effect like flamethrower or a breath of flames. Is it like a normal attack? OR are there any rules ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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