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7 votes
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Can a catatonic creature (0 charisma) be controlled via domination magic?

If a creature’s ability score is reduced to 0, say charisma, and the creature becomes helpless (in this case catatonic), does domination (mind affecting) magic even function? My intuition would be ...
Frank Castle's user avatar
13 votes
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What does it mean for plague to "continue until the victim reaches Constitution 0"?

I could use some help understanding the following line as it pertains to the Plague disease carried by a Plague Spewer (Monster Manuel III, pg. 125): Unlike normal diseases, plague continues until ...
Frank Castle's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How does Constitution drain/damage interact with minimum hit points?

Related to, but not the same as this: Polymorph, HP, and Constitution damage/drain In his answer to the question Loss of bear form and hp of a bear warrior, @KRyan mentions a rule about constitution ...
fectin's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Strength for the Perform Skill?

How (if possible) would one utilize their Strength ability score with the Perform Skill? Be that in lieu of Charisma or in addition to it. There are so many ways to shuffle the ability score that ...
Priestess Lucy's user avatar
23 votes
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In D&D 3.5, what happens when you plop a headband of intellect on an animal?

Prompted by a discussion in comments here The animal type states: Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (no creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can be an animal). A headband of intellect adds ...
fectin's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to calculate HP if an item increases constitution

I am sorry if this question seems obvious, I just cannot find the answer anywhere. HP increase every level with the hit dice roll and the constitution bonus is added every level. What happens when the ...
Digius's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does Swordsage's Insightful Strike Apply to Rolls for Ability Score Damage?

Insightful Strike, from the Tome of Battle's Swordsage class, says: At 4th level, you can add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus on damage rolls whenever you execute a strike from the chosen discipline. ...
PipperChip's user avatar
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Ability increase for extra HD not calculated correctly under the Lycanthrope entry in the Monster Manual?

In the SRD it states: Ability Score Improvement Treat monster Hit Dice the same as character level for determining ability ...
MichaelDorf's user avatar
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Does the same attribute modifier necessarily count as the same source when adjudicating stacking rules?

the SRD says this about stacking: Stacking In most cases, modifiers to a given check or roll stack (combine for a cumulative effect) if they come from different sources and have different types (or ...
Haraldhinio's user avatar
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What types of bonuses can be applied with the fortify epic spell seed to boost intelligence?

The DMG lists all the bonus types, some are common improvements to abilities, like enhancement or inherent. But what other types of bonuses could be applied to intelligence? I could see the following ...
Attonwizard's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to turn a monster into a humanoid without giving them average physical ability scores?

Savage Species lists some rituals through which a creature can--in one example given--transform from an ogre into an elf. If nothing else, it's an interesting and evocative idea: a 6th level ogre ...
47948201's user avatar
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Arcane Disciple when some spells are already on spell list

Was just looking for a bit of insight into the Arcane Disciple feat. A quick quote on what that does: Add the chosen domain's spells to your class list of arcane spells. If you have arcane ...
Erik's user avatar
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Can Cold Spell Specialization affect Shivering Touch?

I have a player trying to apply the benefits of Cold Spell Specialization to the spell Shivering Touch. Shivering Touch: On a successful melee touch attack, you instantly suck the heat from the ...
Adam's user avatar
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How long can a creature without a constitution score run?

The Rules Compendium text on running suggests that a creature can only run for as many rounds as its constitution before (maybe) tiring. How does this interact with creatures like undead that have no ...
fectin's user avatar
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Does a Goliath Barbarian's Mountain Rage still grant a bonus to Constitution?

With the substitution levels from Goliath Barbarian, does the Mountain Rage still give the bonus to Constitution? Or do you lose that in exchange for a size increase and bonus strength?
irishtatertot25's user avatar

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