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Added unconscious back into the actual question for clarity. Left edits to the body.
Sam Hoice
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How can a party with no healers return a character from the dyingunconscious/dying condition?

Reworded to use dying instead of unconscious
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How can a party with no healers return a character from unconsciousthe dying condition?

The party I DM for has only three characters and they elected not to take a healer. This is fine with me as the DM, and they all seem to enjoy the characters they've taken. I try and hand out a few more heal potions than I normally would and with their damage dealing capability (two weapon ranger, fighter, and wizard) they handle most of my encounters fairly well.

The problem is, once one of the characters is brought below 0 hp, they are knocked unconscious, it and dying. It is very difficult to get them up again. The awake characters can use the Heal skill to stabilize a dying player. The unconsciousdying character can get a healing surge on a death save of 20 (although I assume once you're stabilized, you stop saving). A heal check can trigger a second wind, but usually the unconsciousdying character has spent his second wind already...

What options does the party have, or what house-rules could I create to allow the one player to reenter the combat if they fall early?

How can a party with no healers return a character from unconscious?

The party I DM for has only three characters and they elected not to take a healer. This is fine with me as the DM, and they all seem to enjoy the characters they've taken. I try and hand out a few more heal potions than I normally would and with their damage dealing capability (two weapon ranger, fighter, and wizard) they handle most of my encounters fairly well.

The problem is, once one of the characters is knocked unconscious, it is very difficult to get them up again. The awake characters can use the Heal skill to stabilize a dying player. The unconscious character can get a healing surge on a death save of 20 (although I assume once you're stabilized, you stop saving). A heal check can trigger a second wind, but usually the unconscious character has spent his second wind already...

What options does the party have, or what house-rules could I create to allow the one player to reenter the combat if they fall early?

How can a party with no healers return a character from the dying condition?

The party I DM for has only three characters and they elected not to take a healer. This is fine with me as the DM, and they all seem to enjoy the characters they've taken. I try and hand out a few more heal potions than I normally would and with their damage dealing capability (two weapon ranger, fighter, and wizard) they handle most of my encounters fairly well.

The problem is, once one of the characters is brought below 0 hp, they are knocked unconscious and dying. It is very difficult to get them up again. The awake characters can use the Heal skill to stabilize a dying player. The dying character can get a healing surge on a death save of 20 (although I assume once you're stabilized, you stop saving). A heal check can trigger a second wind, but usually the dying character has spent his second wind already...

What options does the party have, or what house-rules could I create to allow the one player to reenter the combat if they fall early?

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Sam Hoice
  • 535
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  • 10

How can a party with no healers return a character from unconscious?

The party I DM for has only three characters and they elected not to take a healer. This is fine with me as the DM, and they all seem to enjoy the characters they've taken. I try and hand out a few more heal potions than I normally would and with their damage dealing capability (two weapon ranger, fighter, and wizard) they handle most of my encounters fairly well.

The problem is, once one of the characters is knocked unconscious, it is very difficult to get them up again. The awake characters can use the Heal skill to stabilize a dying player. The unconscious character can get a healing surge on a death save of 20 (although I assume once you're stabilized, you stop saving). A heal check can trigger a second wind, but usually the unconscious character has spent his second wind already...

What options does the party have, or what house-rules could I create to allow the one player to reenter the combat if they fall early?