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break two "movements" into paragraphs; apostrophes &c; change "smuggling prostitutes" to "trafficking people" since people tend to not be prostitutes until *after* being smuggled and forced into it, and the perception otherwise is a real-world social problem to avoid spreading
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So, first off, like you said, most of these communities are social. That means that even though they are the 1% they likely all know each other, hang out together, hate each other, and otherwise interact almost solely in their own little supernatural clique. This is also true in real life; the wealthy don't tend to live side by side with the poor and, as a result, most wealthy people grossly underestimate how much more money than the average person they have, how much higher their standard of living is, etc. They think of themselves and their community as 'normal' even though, objectively, they are extremely abnormal. So this isn't something you should be doing just because Vampire'sVampires are rare or whatever. That

That being said, if you want to do this, regardless of your reasons, you can. If the PCs don't regularly encounter 'normal' beings, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are abnormal. If they encounter 'normal' beings most of the time, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are, in fact, the norm. In World of Darkness, for example, try giving them 'normal' opponents rather than supernatural or supernaturally connected ones. Have a heavily armed local gang hold up a PCsPC's landlady for protection money, and kill her when she can't pay (or some such). Have horrible people smugglingtrafficking drugs, prostitutespeople, weapons, etc. into and out of the city. Have a PCsPC's bike stolen by a juvenile delenquientdelinquent. Have the IRS come after someone for backtaxesback taxes. If any of the PCs have a real job, have their new boss try and frame them for embezzlement. etcEtcetera.

So, first off, like you said, most of these communities are social. That means that even though they are the 1% they likely all know each other, hang out together, hate each other, and otherwise interact almost solely in their own little supernatural clique. This is also true in real life; the wealthy don't tend to live side by side with the poor and, as a result, most wealthy people grossly underestimate how much more money than the average person they have, how much higher their standard of living is, etc. They think of themselves and their community as 'normal' even though, objectively, they are extremely abnormal. So this isn't something you should be doing just because Vampire's are rare or whatever. That being said, if you want to do this, regardless of your reasons, you can. If the PCs don't regularly encounter 'normal' beings, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are abnormal. If they encounter 'normal' beings most of the time, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are, in fact, the norm. In World of Darkness, for example, try giving them 'normal' opponents rather than supernatural or supernaturally connected ones. Have a heavily armed local gang hold up a PCs landlady for protection money, and kill her when she can't pay (or some such). Have horrible people smuggling drugs, prostitutes, weapons, etc into and out of the city. Have a PCs bike stolen by a juvenile delenquient. Have the IRS come after someone for backtaxes. If any of the PCs have a real job, have their new boss try and frame them for embezzlement. etc.

So, first off, like you said, most of these communities are social. That means that even though they are the 1% they likely all know each other, hang out together, hate each other, and otherwise interact almost solely in their own little supernatural clique. This is also true in real life; the wealthy don't tend to live side by side with the poor and, as a result, most wealthy people grossly underestimate how much more money than the average person they have, how much higher their standard of living is, etc. They think of themselves and their community as 'normal' even though, objectively, they are extremely abnormal. So this isn't something you should be doing just because Vampires are rare or whatever.

That being said, if you want to do this, regardless of your reasons, you can. If the PCs don't regularly encounter 'normal' beings, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are abnormal. If they encounter 'normal' beings most of the time, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are, in fact, the norm. In World of Darkness, for example, try giving them 'normal' opponents rather than supernatural or supernaturally connected ones. Have a heavily armed local gang hold up a PC's landlady for protection money, and kill her when she can't pay (or some such). Have horrible people trafficking drugs, people, weapons, etc. into and out of the city. Have a PC's bike stolen by a juvenile delinquent. Have the IRS come after someone for back taxes. If any of the PCs have a real job, have their new boss try and frame them for embezzlement. Etcetera.

spelling error
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So, first off, like you said, most of these communities are social. That means that even though they are the 1% they likely all know each other, hang out together, hate each other, and otherwise interact almost solely in their own little supernatural clique. This is also true in real life; the wealthy don't tend to live side by side with the poor and, as a result, most wealthy people grossly underestimate how much more money than the average person they have, how much higher their standard of living is, etc. They think of themselves and their community as 'normal' even though, objectively, they are extremely abnormal. So this isn't something you should be doing just because Vampire's are rare or whatever. That being said, if you want to do this, regardless of your reasons, you can. If the PCs don't regularly encounter 'normal' beings, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are abnormal. If they encounter 'normal' beings most of the time, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are, in fact, the norm. In World of Darkness, for example, try giving them 'normal' opponents rather than supernatural or supernaturally connected ones. Have a heavily armed local gang hold up a PCs landlady for protection money, and kill her when she can't pay (or some such). Have horrible people smuggling drugs, prostitutes, weapons, etc into and out of the citecity. Have a PCs bike stolen by a juvenile delenquient. Have the IRS come after someone for backtaxes. If any of the PCs have a real job, have their new boss try and frame them for embezzlement. etc.

So, first off, like you said, most of these communities are social. That means that even though they are the 1% they likely all know each other, hang out together, hate each other, and otherwise interact almost solely in their own little supernatural clique. This is also true in real life; the wealthy don't tend to live side by side with the poor and, as a result, most wealthy people grossly underestimate how much more money than the average person they have, how much higher their standard of living is, etc. They think of themselves and their community as 'normal' even though, objectively, they are extremely abnormal. So this isn't something you should be doing just because Vampire's are rare or whatever. That being said, if you want to do this, regardless of your reasons, you can. If the PCs don't regularly encounter 'normal' beings, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are abnormal. If they encounter 'normal' beings most of the time, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are, in fact, the norm. In World of Darkness, for example, try giving them 'normal' opponents rather than supernatural or supernaturally connected ones. Have a heavily armed local gang hold up a PCs landlady for protection money, and kill her when she can't pay (or some such). Have horrible people smuggling drugs, prostitutes, weapons, etc into and out of the cite. Have a PCs bike stolen by a juvenile delenquient. Have the IRS come after someone for backtaxes. If any of the PCs have a real job, have their new boss try and frame them for embezzlement. etc.

So, first off, like you said, most of these communities are social. That means that even though they are the 1% they likely all know each other, hang out together, hate each other, and otherwise interact almost solely in their own little supernatural clique. This is also true in real life; the wealthy don't tend to live side by side with the poor and, as a result, most wealthy people grossly underestimate how much more money than the average person they have, how much higher their standard of living is, etc. They think of themselves and their community as 'normal' even though, objectively, they are extremely abnormal. So this isn't something you should be doing just because Vampire's are rare or whatever. That being said, if you want to do this, regardless of your reasons, you can. If the PCs don't regularly encounter 'normal' beings, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are abnormal. If they encounter 'normal' beings most of the time, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are, in fact, the norm. In World of Darkness, for example, try giving them 'normal' opponents rather than supernatural or supernaturally connected ones. Have a heavily armed local gang hold up a PCs landlady for protection money, and kill her when she can't pay (or some such). Have horrible people smuggling drugs, prostitutes, weapons, etc into and out of the city. Have a PCs bike stolen by a juvenile delenquient. Have the IRS come after someone for backtaxes. If any of the PCs have a real job, have their new boss try and frame them for embezzlement. etc.

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So, first off, like you said, most of these communities are social. That means that even though they are the 1% they likely all know each other, hang out together, hate each other, and otherwise interact almost solely in their own little supernatural clique. This is also true in real life; the wealthy don't tend to live side by side with the poor and, as a result, most wealthy people grossly underestimate how much more money than the average person they have, how much higher their standard of living is, etc. They think of themselves and their community as 'normal' even though, objectively, they are extremely abnormal. So this isn't something you should be doing just because Vampire's are rare or whatever. That being said, if you want to do this, regardless of your reasons, you can. If the PCs don't regularly encounter 'normal' beings, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are abnormal. If they encounter 'normal' beings most of the time, they will conclude that 'normal' beings are, in fact, the norm. In World of Darkness, for example, try giving them 'normal' opponents rather than supernatural or supernaturally connected ones. Have a heavily armed local gang hold up a PCs landlady for protection money, and kill her when she can't pay (or some such). Have horrible people smuggling drugs, prostitutes, weapons, etc into and out of the cite. Have a PCs bike stolen by a juvenile delenquient. Have the IRS come after someone for backtaxes. If any of the PCs have a real job, have their new boss try and frame them for embezzlement. etc.