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Challenge to the premise of the question: stop using rarity to balance loot tables and homebrew items

Firstly rarity is terrible as a balance mechanic and broken in a variety of ways.

Secondly if you are creating an item of your own you are probably doing so because you want to see it used, and because you have a good idea on how it will work.

Balance your item around how much power you think it will provide to the player you expect to use it, give it at a planned and appropriate time and let the players know it is homebrew and subject to playtest (which means if you screw up, you reserve the right to fix it).

Your specific item:

If I have 12 in a stat and boost to 13 I have gained nothing, excepta small increase in carry capacity (which often matters very little) and the possibility to multiclass*. But if I was going to multiclass I would have planned that in advance and your item would not just undo that planning, but in my case could annoy me that I now have to replan, or that my original planning is wasted or that I had to spend a few levels worse than I had to be.

If I have 11 in a stat and boost to 12 that is +1 to the stat which mechanically is the same as the tomes, and I could cry from the amount of tomes I see wasted shoring up a dump stat because the barbarian "is already strong".

We can possibly create a rarity for you, but it would be meaningless, so I am not going to.

*If this is your solution to help someone multiclass then either just give them it without counting as loot, or just let them multiclass anyway. The whole "you need a 13" just serves no real purpose other than to stop blatant abuse, but if your player was doing that you would have other issues.

Challenge to the premise of the question: stop using rarity to balance loot tables and homebrew items

Firstly rarity is terrible as a balance mechanic and broken in a variety of ways.

Secondly if you are creating an item of your own you are probably doing so because you want to see it used, and because you have a good idea on how it will work.

Balance your item around how much power you think it will provide to the player you expect to use it, give it at a planned and appropriate time and let the players know it is homebrew and subject to playtest (which means if you screw up, you reserve the right to fix it).

Your specific item:

If I have 12 in a stat and boost to 13 I have gained nothing, except the possibility to multiclass*. But if I was going to multiclass I would have planned that in advance and your item would not just undo that planning, but in my case could annoy me that I now have to replan, or that my original planning is wasted or that I had to spend a few levels worse than I had to be.

If I have 11 in a stat and boost to 12 that is +1 to the stat which mechanically is the same as the tomes, and I could cry from the amount of tomes I see wasted shoring up a dump stat because the barbarian "is already strong".

We can possibly create a rarity for you, but it would be meaningless, so I am not going to.

*If this is your solution to help someone multiclass then either just give them it without counting as loot, or just let them multiclass anyway. The whole "you need a 13" just serves no real purpose other than to stop blatant abuse, but if your player was doing that you would have other issues.

Challenge to the premise of the question: stop using rarity to balance loot tables and homebrew items

Firstly rarity is terrible as a balance mechanic and broken in a variety of ways.

Secondly if you are creating an item of your own you are probably doing so because you want to see it used, and because you have a good idea on how it will work.

Balance your item around how much power you think it will provide to the player you expect to use it, give it at a planned and appropriate time and let the players know it is homebrew and subject to playtest (which means if you screw up, you reserve the right to fix it).

Your specific item:

If I have 12 in a stat and boost to 13 I have gained a small increase in carry capacity (which often matters very little) and the possibility to multiclass*. But if I was going to multiclass I would have planned that in advance and your item would not just undo that planning, but in my case could annoy me that I now have to replan, or that my original planning is wasted or that I had to spend a few levels worse than I had to be.

If I have 11 in a stat and boost to 12 that is +1 to the stat which mechanically is the same as the tomes, and I could cry from the amount of tomes I see wasted shoring up a dump stat because the barbarian "is already strong".

We can possibly create a rarity for you, but it would be meaningless, so I am not going to.

*If this is your solution to help someone multiclass then either just give them it without counting as loot, or just let them multiclass anyway. The whole "you need a 13" just serves no real purpose other than to stop blatant abuse, but if your player was doing that you would have other issues.

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Challenge to the premise of the question: stop using rarity to balance loot tables and homebrew items

Firstly rarity is terrible as a balance mechanic and broken in a variety of ways.

Secondly if you are creating an item of your own you are probably doing so because you want to see it used, and because you have a good idea on how it will work.

Balance your item around how much power you think it will provide to the player you expect to use it, give it at a planned and appropriate time and let the players know it is homebrew and subject to playtest (which means if you screw up, you reserve the right to fix it).

Your specific item:

If I have 12 in a stat and boost to 13 I have gained nothing, except the possibility to multiclass*. But if I was going to multiclass I would have planned that in advance and your item would not just undo that planning, but in my case could annoy me that I now have to replan, or that my original planning is wasted or that I had to spend a few levels worse than I had to be.

If I have 11 in a stat and boost to 12 that is +1 to the stat which mechanically is the same as the tomes, and I could cry from the amount of tomes I see wasted shoring up a dump stat because the barbarian "is already strong".

We can possibly create a rarity for you, but it would be meaningless, so I am not going to.

*If this is your solution to help someone multiclass then either just give them it without counting as loot, or just let them multiclass anyway. The whole "you need a 13" just serves no real purpose other than to stop blatant abuse, but if your player was doing that you would have other issues.