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Are backgrounds important after character creation?

I'm currently running a W:TA game using the 1st edition rulebook. Several of my characters have backgrounds. As we play, do those backgrounds increase, or do they only determine what the character has when play starts?

As an example, I have a character who is an aspiring ritemaster. She has 4 dots in the Rites background, so she starts play with some rites. However, based on the answer (linked below) it seems like learning new rites doesn't require an increase in the rites background. Does the rites background not matter after character creation?

As a second example, I have a character who has 3 dots in the Allies background. They begin play with 3 allies. During play they develop useful relationships with influential people. Does utilizing those "allies" require advancing the Allies background?

Related: Is there a cost to learning new rites?