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Choose up to six creatures within 30 feet that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting saving throw DC. If they faila target fails the save, a target takesthey take 2d12 psychic damage, and, for the next minute, their speed is reduced to 0, they cannot benefit from any bonuses to their speed, and they are frightened of you. A target repeats the saving throw each time they take damage and at the end of each of their turns. These repeated saving throws do not cause an additional 2d12 damage and all the effects of this feature end upon a successful save or after 1 minute (whichever occurs first). You may use this feature once per long rest.

Choose up to six creatures within 30 feet that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting saving throw DC. If they fail the save, a target takes 2d12 psychic damage, and, for the next minute, their speed is reduced to 0, they cannot benefit from any bonuses to their speed, and they are frightened of you. A target repeats the saving throw each time they take damage and at the end of each of their turns. These repeated saving throws do not cause an additional 2d12 damage and all the effects of this feature end upon a successful save. You may use this feature once per long rest.

Choose up to six creatures within 30 feet that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting saving throw DC. If a target fails the save, they take 2d12 psychic damage, and, for the next minute, their speed is reduced to 0, they cannot benefit from any bonuses to their speed, and they are frightened of you. A target repeats the saving throw each time they take damage and at the end of each of their turns. These repeated saving throws do not cause an additional 2d12 damage and all the effects of this feature end upon a successful save or after 1 minute (whichever occurs first). You may use this feature once per long rest.

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Choose up to six creatures within 30 feet that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting saving throw DC. On a failedIf they fail the save, a target takes 2d12 psychic damage, and, for the next minute, their speed is reduced to 0, they cannot benefit from any bonuses to their speed, and they are frightened of you. A target repeats the saving throw each time they take damage and at the end of each of their turns. These repeated saving throws do not cause an additional 2d12 damage and all the effects of this feature end upon a successful save. You may use this feature once per long rest.

In particular, some things I am thinking about are as follows:

Roundel of Inspiration is strong, granted it does require an action instead of a bonus action but that may not be enough. I could easily make it require more Bardic Inspiration Dice if that's a meaningful fix.

I'm honestly not too worried about the second feature, it is once per long rest, those affected can make saves rather often, and it doesn't deal even as much damage as fireball.

Magnum Opus on the other hand is the worry bringing feature. It effectively shuts down a battle one way of the other. If somehow all your enemies are affected (no legendary resistance) and they can't damage you with their reactions, it's basically a once per day "Win This Combat" button. I'm not sure how often that could happen, especially given that it also affects your allies, but I wonder if that makes it just too far gone.

Choose up to six creatures within 30 feet that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting saving throw DC. On a failed save, a target takes 2d12 psychic damage, and, for the next minute, their speed is reduced to 0, they cannot benefit from any bonuses to their speed, and they are frightened of you. A target repeats the saving throw each time they take damage and at the end of each of their turns. You may use this feature once per long rest.

Choose up to six creatures within 30 feet that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting saving throw DC. If they fail the save, a target takes 2d12 psychic damage, and, for the next minute, their speed is reduced to 0, they cannot benefit from any bonuses to their speed, and they are frightened of you. A target repeats the saving throw each time they take damage and at the end of each of their turns. These repeated saving throws do not cause an additional 2d12 damage and all the effects of this feature end upon a successful save. You may use this feature once per long rest.

In particular, some things I am thinking about are as follows:

Roundel of Inspiration is strong, granted it does require an action instead of a bonus action but that may not be enough. I could easily make it require more Bardic Inspiration Dice if that's a meaningful fix.

I'm honestly not too worried about the second feature, it is once per long rest, those affected can make saves rather often, and it doesn't deal even as much damage as fireball.

Magnum Opus on the other hand is the worry bringing feature. It effectively shuts down a battle one way of the other. If somehow all your enemies are affected (no legendary resistance) and they can't damage you with their reactions, it's basically a once per day "Win This Combat" button. I'm not sure how often that could happen, especially given that it also affects your allies, but I wonder if that makes it just too far gone.

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After each feature are two spoiler blocks, the first is the feature written out in more standard wording. The second is the explanation of the feature's structure. In an ideal state, the first spoiler block wouldn't need to exist at all. I, for lack of a better term, crowd sourced the feature descriptions to 50 people I know and received a 90% perfect accuracy on predicting what the features actually did, which I am very happy with.

After each feature are two spoiler blocks, the first is the feature written out in more standard wording. The second is the explanation of the feature's structure.

After each feature are two spoiler blocks, the first is the feature written out in more standard wording. The second is the explanation of the feature's structure. In an ideal state, the first spoiler block wouldn't need to exist at all. I, for lack of a better term, crowd sourced the feature descriptions to 50 people I know and received a 90% perfect accuracy on predicting what the features actually did, which I am very happy with.

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