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Added Overarching WoD Tag, for cross generational questions
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Are there official self-references in the either World of Darkness setting (that is, "in-game")? Does White Wolf exist within their own universe? Are people playing Vampire: The Masquerade (or The Requiem) or any other WW game in the (o/n)WoD?

Obviously, as a Storyteller, anyone can bring such a self-reference and/or metareference into the game ("So you met this Storyteller at a Con who turned out to be a real Ravnos!", "I'm going to play a Guardian of the Veil who's always been an rpg geek and is now patrolling the net looking for breaches of secrecy on sites like RPG.SE and such") -- but I'm not looking for unofficial instances. Please, cite official mentions only, be they from rulebooks, comics, novels, computer games... whatever published officially by White Wolf. :)

(For bonus points, mention famous WoD "inspirers" as well, such as Anne Rice, for example. Again, official sources only.)

Are there official self-references in the either World of Darkness setting (that is, "in-game")? Does White Wolf exist within their own universe? Are people playing Vampire: The Masquerade (or The Requiem) or any other WW game in the (o/n)WoD?

Obviously, as a Storyteller, anyone can bring such a self-reference and/or metareference into the game ("So you met this Storyteller at a Con who turned out to be a real Ravnos!", "I'm going to play a Guardian of the Veil who's always been an rpg geek and is now patrolling the net looking for breaches of secrecy on sites like RPG.SE and such") -- but I'm not looking for unofficial instances. Please, cite official mentions only, be they from rulebooks, comics, novels, computer games... whatever published officially by White Wolf. :)

(For bonus points, mention famous WoD "inspirers" as well, such as Anne Rice, for example. Again, official sources only.)

Are there official self-references in either World of Darkness setting (that is, "in-game")? Does White Wolf exist within their own universe? Are people playing Vampire: The Masquerade (or The Requiem) or any other WW game in the (o/n)WoD?

Obviously, as a Storyteller, anyone can bring such a self-reference and/or metareference into the game ("So you met this Storyteller at a Con who turned out to be a real Ravnos!", "I'm going to play a Guardian of the Veil who's always been an rpg geek and is now patrolling the net looking for breaches of secrecy on sites like RPG.SE and such") -- but I'm not looking for unofficial instances. Please, cite official mentions only, be they from rulebooks, comics, novels, computer games... whatever published officially by White Wolf. :)

(For bonus points, mention famous WoD "inspirers" as well, such as Anne Rice, for example. Again, official sources only.)

The author said that the parentheses were meant to indicate both old and new answers were acceptable,
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